Family Update, 11Oct99

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Welcome to "Updates." This is a compilation of the thoughts and writings of Nathan W. Pace.

Hello everyone,

I have just returned from Salt Lake where I spent a few days visiting my mother. With high hopes the doctor feels that she may be able to come home today. But not to be surprised if it is as late as Friday. She is doing better. She is only able to walk to use the rest room, and to sit in her chair. She is increasing her distance though. The surgery was a 7 hour extensive sugery. One of the doctors said that he hasn't done one this complex in a while. He is amazed at the speedy recovery that she is making. All is well. I feel hopefull. Everything is going to be ok. I feel that she still has some work left here on the earth. She will be with us for quite some time. The Lord will bless us if we keep an eye to his glory. Remember that the kingdom of god is the highest priority that we must seek. Before ye seek for riches seek the kingdom of god. One of my favorite scriptures is Luke 17:33. Read it. It has a lot of power behind it. Have faith and remember that which is good.

Best Regards,

P.S. goto our site to keep updated on what is going on.

To: "Tom Woolstenhulme" <>, "ruben togisala" <>, "Jeromy & Jennifer Iverson" <>, "Jared Barnes" <>, "Bruce Humphries" <>, "Amanda" <>, "Nathan Pace WEBTV" <>, "Pacefile" <>, "David Kenison" <>, "Roice Nelson" <>, "Rob" <>, "Richard & Tami Moreland" <>, "Rachel" <>, "Paul" <>, "Pam Pace" <>, "Jessica Roberts" <>, "Heather Nielson Pace" <>, "Audrey Nielson" <>, "Dan Jessen" <>, "Pete Fontanoe" <>, "Mariah Wheeler" <>, "Heber Blackner" <>, "Matt Curtis" <>, "Robyn & Nate Tullis" <>

Send comments to Nathan W. Pace.

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Copyright © 1999 Nathan W. Pace