Family Update, 29Sep99

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Welcome to "Updates." This is a compilation of the thoughts and writings of Nathan W. Pace.

Hello Everyone,

My mother and father are leaving this weekend to go to Salt Lake. There is a specialist flying in who will be there on Monday. So that is the day she will be having surgery instead of Wednesday. Any questions just please email me. Also thank you for all the warm thoughts. I passed them along and she appreciated them. God Bless.

Best Regards,


To: "Pacefile" <>, "Heber Blackner" <>, "Mariah Wheeler" <>, "Pete Fontanoe" <>, "Richard & Tami Moreland" <>, "Audrey Nielson" <>, "Heather Nielson Pace" <>, "Jessica Roberts" <>, "Pam Pace" <>, "Paul" <>, "Rachel" <>, "Rob" <>, "Roice Nelson" <>

Send comments to Nathan W. Pace.

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Copyright © 1999 Nathan W. Pace