Welcome to LFPS LTD. Knowledge Backbone

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· A0_00_NodeNode Tree for LFPSltd Knowledge Backbone
· A0_01Predict Lithology or Fluids from Seismic Activity
· A0_1Activities to Predict Lithology or Fluids
· A1Determine Data Availability
· A11Determine Availability of Useable Seismic Data
· A111Determine Availability of Seismic Data
· A1111Find Existing Seismic Data
· A1112Collect New Seismic Survey
· A112Determine Seismic Data Quality
· A113Identify Seismic Events in Area of Interest
· A114Determine if Amplitudes Vary with Offset
· A12Determine Availability of Sonic or Density Logs
· A13Determine Availiabilty of Shear Wave Velocity Measurement
· A14Identify Need for Pilot Study to improve Seismic Data Acquisition
· A2Perform Petrophysical Analysis
· A21Locate Relevant Borehole Log Data
· A22Evaulate Log Quality Control and Sampling
· A23Divide Data into Appropriate Intervals
· A24Find, Identify, and Correlate Rock Properties
· A25Rank Effectiveness of Correlated Rock Properties
· A3Do Seismic Modeling
· A31Perform Acoustic Impedeance Modeling
· A311Determine Basis of Correlating Accoustic Impedeance
· A312Produce 1-D Synthetic Seismogram
· A313Determine Tie and Correlation Between Synthetic and Seismic Attributes
· A314Test Acoustic Impedeance Sensitivity and Calibration
· A32Perform Velocity Modeling
· A321Determine Available Seismic Velocity Data
· A3211Obtain Stacking Velocity File
· A3212Determine Affect of Change in Average Velocity
· A3213Obtain Prestack Gathers
· A322Perform Stacking Velocity Inversion
· A323Recreate Velocity Spectra Around Well Gather
· A3231Repick Velocity Spectra Within Specified Area
· A3232Determine New Affect of Change in Average Velocity
· A3233Identify Lateral Variations in Vp in Zone of Interest
· A3234Repick Velocity Spectra in a Horizon Consistant Fashion
· A324Perform Travel-Time Inversion
· A33Perform A.V.O. Modeling
· A331Obtain Poisson's Ratio Information
· A332Model AVO Response with Available Information
· A333Determine AVO Changes for Desired Rock Properties
· 334Match Real Gathers at Well with Modeled Gathers
· A4Calibrate Seismic Models and Data
· A41Display Seismic Model
· A42Display Seismic Data
· A43Calculate Residual Between Seismic and Model Data

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