Spring Break.

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Responselet 9712c

Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 17:32:28 -0600

Dad--I just wanted to say that I too enjoy your Thoughtlets. I read them every week, but I think that you are too unsure of your efforts. Every thoughtlet for the last while has stated something where it seems you are trying to reassure yourself that you are not wasting your time. I feel like I'm getting to know you better in them and I don't think you need to worry so much about what you are doing if you feel it is worthwhile. Maybe I'm just being my anylitical self, but be confident in your work. If you don't get feedback right away, or even at all, don't take it personally. I'm impressed because I know that I probably wouldn't keep up with such a large project, but it is worthwhile and I'm sorry I don't respond as often as I should, but I do appreciate your efforts.

Love ya lots--


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Copyright © 1997 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.