. . . Charlene R. Weir Info

My address is:

3325 East Fortuna Drive SLC, UT 84124


Here is an update:

FAMILY: I have a wonderful husband who works for the Office of Legislative Research for the State of Utah and two great children, a girl and a boy. The girl just took off for college and my son is in the middle of High School.

PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Graduated with a Ph.D in Social Psychology from the University of Utah. I curerntly work in a research institute at the VA where the focus is geriatrics and medical informatics. I also am adjunct faculty at the University of Utah Medical Informatics Dept and Psychology Dept.

HOBBIES: I love hiking, backpacking, mountain bike riding and skiing. (You can tell I am from Utah). I also love reading and playing music. I do NOT like doing dishes.

HISTORY: After I graduated, I spent one quarter at SUSC and then played around for awhile (visiting friend Annie in Phoenix). I then decided to go to Utah State where I graduated in Psychology. I followed that up with another BS degree in Nursing (2 years later). I worked as a nurse in Logan, in California (where my parents had move to) and in Austin, Tx. I met my husband there and we moved to SLC, where I went to graduate school and so did he and where we started our family. (Ok, ok, so I liked to go to school.)

SPIRITUALITY: I became a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) about 20 years ago and I love it.

It looks like it will be a great gathering and I am sorry that I will not be able to come -- Charlene

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/class68/2003_status/Weir_Charlene.html

Copyright © 2003 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.
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