. . . Robonaut Technology

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Robonaut represents a mature telepresence robotic technology, which NASA has been developing for decades to support various NASA missions. The approach is to have a robot which mimics the actions of a human operator. The robot is the eyes and arms of the operator. The operator sees through the robot's cameras, and feels through sensors on the robots hands and arms. This allows the human to remotely work in harsh environmentss, like at the sea floor supporting deep sea oil and gas drilling and production operations. There are numerous patents held by NASA and by contractors who helped develop Robonaut. Walden 3-D is negotiating licensing of these patents from NASA for non-military subsea applications of Robonaut technologies, and will approach the contractors to license their patents once the NASA agreements are in place. The following images have been selected from public domain data available from NASA to demonstrate the maturity of the Robonaut technolgy.

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This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/Robonaut/technology.html

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