. . . Intellectual Property

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NASA has kept control of the Intellectual Property Rights associated with the development of Robonaut. Although some of the patents have expired, there have continued to be new enhancements and developments. These improvements have not all been patented yet, and they are part of the Intellectual Property NASA is discussing licensing to Walden 3-D, Inc. (W3D).

In order for an investor or other interested party to evaluate these technologies, they need to arrange with W3D to evaluate the technology, and sign a Nondisclosure Agreement with NASA. W3D is responsible for qualifying potential investors or other interested parties to insure they will contribute to the commercialization of Robonaut prior to starting detailed discussions and introducing them to NASA.

The Nondisclosure Agreement can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE.

Although Robonaut technology and IP Rights are owned by NASA, and these will be used to build AquaRobonautSM or other subsea instantiations of Robonaut, NASA does not endourse, sponsor, support, nor authorize this project. This work is being undertaken solely at the risk of Walden 3-D, Inc.

AquaRobonautSM Infinite GridSM

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/Robonaut/ip.html

Copyright © 2009 Walden 3-D, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published in The United States of America
This page, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.

For further information contact:

Walden 3-D, Inc., P.O. Box 382, Barker, TX 77413-0382
- 281.579.0172 - facsimile: 281.579.2141 - cell: 713.542.2207 -
- e-mail: info@walden3d.com (send two copies of your first message to get past spam the filter) -