05 Nov 2003 #0313.html

Trick-or-Treat and Grant's First Movie

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Hi everyone,

So, I've decided that I probably get more enjoyment out of writing these than you get out of reading them. I honestly laugh out loud while writing - it's just so funny for me to remember my silly little baby. Anyway, enjoy . . .

Last week was Halloween and Grant dressed up as a puppy. He woke up feeling a bit under the weather and wasn't too excited to get dressed up. However, I convinced him it was okay and we went to the library with all the other dressed up kids. He was still a little contrary and got upset when other little kids tried to pet him (even pushing one kid down). But, by the end of the night, Grant was pretty excited to be a puppy and even barked for the camcorder. We had been practicing saying, 'trick or treat' all week, and that was by far his favorite part of Halloween. He even started 'trick or treating' all the other kids when I was holding onto his stash. Some of them even gave him a candy. Then for the next few days, whenever Grant would see his pumpkin (which I hid on top of the fridge), he would point to it and say, "trick or treat". Now the candy is gone (partial thanks to Paul and I) and he is more calm.

Paul has been taking the bus to school and waits for it to come directly across the street from out house. When Grant is awake he likes to watch his daddy wait for the bus. Considering the weather, I have put a chair up to the window and Grant waves to Paul. Perhaps Paul thought that waving just wasn't enough and he started jumping up and down, dancing and playing peek-a-boo. Grant loved it. He was going crazy; jumping, dancing and saying, 'boo' to Paul. However, Paul said that he got a lot of 'rubber-neckers' giving him confused looks. Apparently, they would see Paul dancing, but not see who he was dancing for (since Grant was inside). I think that makes their morning ritual even better and gives me a chuckle.

It snowed recently and Grant loves. He doesn't even care that his hands freeze in it. He just loves throwing it around. Yesterday, I was trying to explain that snow is kind of like ice, it melts into water. Grant said, "ice?" and proceeded to take the snow that was stuck to the bottom of his shoe and put it in his mouth. Of course, I was driving and could not do anything but try to convince him it was yucky.

This morning we went to play group. One of the mom's has a 5 month old and Grant loves her. She was fussing a bit while we were cleaning up and Grant brought her 2 toys and then got down on his hands and knees and gave her a love. He is so baby crazy right now. He always wants to see any baby, even standing on my lap during Sacrament to see the babies being blessed.

For family night we made a movie. It was sort of like an ad-lib type movie. Paul and Grant were crawling on their tummies in a desert trying to get the play hammer and phone. Then they shouted, "hurray, hurray" once they knew they'd be saved. They even shouted, "hurray for mommy". When watching this movie on the T.V., Grant was super cute. During the, "hurray for mommy" part, Grant turned to me with such a cute look of surprise and excitement that Paul and I simultaneously burst out into laughter. And then tonight Paul said to Grant that they should crawl on their bellies. So Grant ran to his room, grabbed the play phone and hammer, and they did the movie all over again.

TTFN (ta-ta for now),

Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

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