27 Oct 2003 #0312.html

Happy and Sad

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Here is the latest on our little pride and joy:

Well, we have put potty-training on pause. Grant had too much poop anxiety. He would run as fast as he could from one end of the house to the other saying, "poop, poop". Apparently, running keeps the poop in because he would go an entire day without pooping. We'll probably try again after Christmas.

I've started babysitting a little girl for a few hours a week and Grant has become proficient with the word, "mine". Every 10 minutes I try to explain to him that Olivia doesn't have any toys and she misses her mommy so we need to share so that Olivia will be happy and come back to see us. Grant says, "Happy?" and then shares his toys. I have found that the words 'Happy' and 'Sad' have a big effect on Grant. I think that he has a sense of empathy and that is wonderful. He is so big that I sometimes worry about him bullying his way in life but hopefully his empathy will triumph.

Grant loves for us to read to him. One book about football opposites he actually memorized. I could turn the pages and he would say each word (though, sometimes not in the right order), and he even used the same voice tone that I used. Very cute!

We picked out pumpkins from a neighbor last week and Grant was just content with picking up all the small pumpkins and putting them in the box. I wish he had a greater desire to pick up his toys at home. It's interesting that Grant can be such a show-off at home but anytime we are in public he gets very serious and quiet.

We have been back now for nearly two months and he still clings to me in nursery, mother-goose (library program), play-time and the play-ground. In addition, anytime Paul tries to get him to do something for company, he gets very serious and shy. It's fun to watch his little personality come out. He is at such a cute age. We sure do love him.

Well, that's all.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2003 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.