. . . Deepwater Exploration Worldwide.

IG4File NamePage #Description
sedthck2.gif1Worldwide Distribution of Prospective Marine Sediment Thicks
WorldDeepWaterAtlas.gif1Ordering information for the best reference identified on deepwaterh discoveries.
0301cen_asia.jpg1Location of Deepwater Blocks around India.
AmazFlds.gif1Amazon Delta deepwater Submarine Fan.
DeepWater_PassiveMargins.JPG1Abstract about structural styles of deepwater passive margins.
Campos.giF1Campos Basin Deepwater Discoveries.
Angolaoffshoreblocks.jpg1Location of deepwater Angola blocks.
N-flds.gif1Map showing location of Nigerian Fields.
Santos.gif1Santos Basin Deepwater Discoveries
Angola1.JPG1/2Explorer: Angola Deepwater Discoveries
Angola1.JPG2/2Angola Deepwater Discoveries
Future1.JPG1/7Future Tecnologies and Deepwater Exploration
Future2.JPG2/7Future Tecnologies and Deepwater Exploration
Future2DeepwaterTests.JPG2/7Future Tecnologies and Deepwater Exploration
Future3.JPG3/7Future Tecnologies and Deepwater Exploration
Future4.JPG4/7Future Tecnologies and Deepwater Exploration
Future5.JPG5/7Future Tecnologies and Deepwater Exploration
Future6.JPG6/7Future Tecnologies and Deepwater Exploration
Future7.JPG7/7Future Tecnologies and Deepwater Exploration
MidEast_Oil_Fields.JPG1Large Map of Middle East Oil Fields. Only deepwater oil fields are in the Mediterranian and are Egypt's and Israel's.
PetroBras1.JPG1/2PetroBras' efforts to extract heavy oil from deepwater.
PetroBras2.JPG2/2PetroBras' efforts to extract heavy oil from deepwater.
Trinidad1.JPG1/8Description of exploration opportunities offshore Trinidad/Tobago.
Trinidad2.JPG2/8Description of exploration opportunities offshore Trinidad/Tobago.
Trinidad3.JPG3/8Description of exploration opportunities offshore Trinidad/Tobago.
Trinidad4.JPG4/8Description of exploration opportunities offshore Trinidad/Tobago.
Trinidad5.JPG5/8Description of exploration opportunities offshore Trinidad/Tobago.
Trinidad7.JPG6/8Description of exploration opportunities offshore Trinidad/Tobago.
Trinidad8.JPG7/8Description of exploration opportunities offshore Trinidad/Tobago.
Trinidad9.JPG8/8Description of exploration opportunities offshore Trinidad/Tobago.
giants1.JPG1/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants1_fig1_500MM+.JPG1/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants1_fig2_500MM_gas.JPG1/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants2.JPG2/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants2_fig5_BB+.JPG2/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants3.JPG3/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants4.JPG4/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants5.JPG5/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants6.JPG6/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants6_fig12_DeepWater500M.JPG6/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
giants6_fig13_Play_Openers.JPG6/6Description of giant discoveries 1990-1999.
n_Gulf_Mexico.JPG1/3Deepwater Discoveries in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
n_Gulf_Mexico_Map.JPG2/3Deepwater Discoveries in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
n_Gulf_Mexico3.JPG3/3Deepwater Discoveries in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
technology01.JPG1/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology02.JPG2/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology03.JPG3/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology04.JPG4/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology05.JPG5/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology06.JPG6/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology07.JPG7/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology08.JPG8/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology09.JPG9/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology10.JPG1012Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology11.JPG1112Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology12.JPG12/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
technology01.JPG1/12Description of Technology needed for deepwater exploration in 2010.
w_Africa1.JPG1/3West Africa turbidite trend paying off.
w_Africa2.JPG2/3West Africa turbidite trend paying off.
w_Africa3.JPG3/3West Africa turbidite trend paying off.
Agbami1.JPG1/3Agbami Deepwater Nigerian Discovery.
Agbami2.JPG2/3Agbami Deepwater Nigerian Discovery.
Agbami3.JPG3/3Agbami Deepwater Nigerian Discovery.
otc01.JPGOTC Report on Deepwater Exploration.
otc02.JPGOTC Report on Deepwater Exploration.
otc03.JPGOTC Report on Deepwater Exploration.
otc04.JPGOTC Report on Deepwater Exploration.
otc05.JPGOTC Report on Deepwater Exploration.
otc06.JPGOTC Report on Deepwater Exploration.
CrazyHorse1.JPG1/3Explorer Article describing Crazy horse
CrazyHorse2.JPG2/3Explorer Article describing Crazy horse
CrazyHorse3.JPG3/3Explorer Article describing Crazy horse

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