- University of Houston - NASA Johnson Space Center Space Act Agreement
- LinCom Corporation and Walden 3-D, Inc.
- Areas of Focus
- Maintain and Enhance Facilities
- Complete Sponsored Research and Development Projects
Enhance Shared Environments for Team Training (NASA)
- Enhance Team Training for Military Operations (ONR)
- Focus on "Just-in-Time" Team Training for Operations Other Than War (Peacekeeping, Humanitarian Assiatance)
- Provide Location Independent Team Training
- Provide Rapid Development Environment
- Do Basic Research on Fidelity and Training Transfer
- Enhance Astronaut & Flight Controller Training (NASA)
- Enhance Surgery & Trauma Care Training (ARPA)
- Perform Haptic Device Evaluation & Integration (NASA)
- Enhance Science Education (NSF; Shell Oil Co. Foundation)
- Provide High Performance Graphics Support
- Identify Sponsors and Associates to Expand VETL
Education Examples
- Newton World
- Maxwell World
- Pauling World
Related Geoscience Research
- Lamont-Doherty Geological Laboratory's 4-D Seismic Monitoring Consortium
- Secured Environmental Management's Proposed Salt Storage Facility
VETL Examples Communicating Complex Spatial Relationships
- 1-D, Molecule
- 2-D, Seismic Derived Horizons
- 3-D, Protein Surfaces, Stonehenge Physical Model, and SEM Data
Summary and Acknowledgements

Please send comments or questions to info@walden3d.com>