Introduction to Virtual Seminars

Virtual Seminars are used to distribute:
- data, information, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, and, in this case, philosophy and art.
Virtual Seminars are customized for individual audiences, allowing:
- World-Wide INTERNET based teleconferences;
- mirrored HTML-documents;
- teleconference-based common communication environments;
- controlled Q&A through an on-line Dialogue Board;
- living ELectronic DOcuments (ELDO's); and
- the optimal use of time and space.
Virtual Seminars can be used for:
- pre-sales qualification;
- product training;
- one-on-one mentoring;
- product enhancement introduction;
- distributed focus groups;
- protecting and making available intellectual property; and
- eliminating unnecessary travel and living expenses.
Go To Virtual Seminar Dialogue Page

For more information contact Kenneth R. Turner at: http://www.walden3d.com/hgol
Copyright © 1996 Walden 3-D, Inc.