Virtual Seminars(sm) are important because they:
- encourage presentations to be customized for each specific audience's interests and needs;
- allow participants to interact directly with subject matter experts via on-line dialogue boxes and the question and answer session;
- allow the presenter to retain control of the presentation flow, and the time everyone participates;
- protect the presenter's intellectual property, while encouraging active use of domain expert knowledge and experience during the seminar, or following the presentation as an on-line HTML-based reference ELDO (ELectronic DOcument);
- can be presented on-line using the WWW and a telephone, or off-line with just a computer with an HTML browser like NetScape, Mosiac, or MicroSoft's Internet Explorer and a telephone;
- provide an on-line means for transferring technology, data, information, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, Best Practices, and Lookbacks to participants and via participants to co-workers;
- save the presenter's and often the audience's travel and living expenses; and Virtual Seminars(sm) are important because they
- encourage more frequent, targeted, one-on-one mentoring, helping to solve problems as they occur.
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