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Technology Commercialization Corporation:

It is proposed that the following steps be taken to form VECtor:

  1. Registered Experts in The HyperEdge Expert Network are invited to view VETL and given an opportunity to commit to register as VECtor Registered Experts for $500 per year (scheduled for Thursday, 21 December 1995: 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00);
  2. a questionnaire is filled out by visitors and evaluated over the Christmas Holiday to determine the level of industry interest;
  3. The University of Houston reviews this proposal and determines if it is interested in proceeding; and
  4. a meeting is held the first week of January of 1996 to determine if there is mutual interest in proceeding with VECtor.

These steps would be undertaken by the individual parties as a risk investment. If and only if there is mutual interest by all parties in proceeding, then the University of Houston would take the necessary steps to establish VECtor:

  1. the minimum number of Registered Experts and Geotechnical Sponsors necessary to kick off the project would be identified;
  2. Registration of Experts would proceed by executing Registration Agreements and sending an invoice;
  3. contact would be made with potential Geotechnical Sponsors, and Sponsor Agreements executed and invoices sent; and
  4. discussions would be initiated with potential sponsors of possible grants for 1996.

These steps would be undertaken by the individual parties as an additional risk investment. If and only if the minimum number of Registered Experts and Geotechnical Sponsors is reached will the formation of VECtor proceed. The goal should be to finalize the formation of VECtor by the end of February, if it is going to be a viable project:

  1. all Registered Experts and Geotechnical Sponsors would be contacted and told that there is a quorum:
  2. VECtor staff would be put on the payroll of either The University of Houston or Walden 3-D, Inc. as is negotiated in good faith;
  3. the project would run as described in this proposal; and
  4. technologies that could be commercialized would be identified.

Technology Commercialization Corporation (TCC) would be created, in order to tie the name to the function, minimize the need to explain the roots of Walden 3-D, Inc., and to provide an entity dedicated to commercialization of intellectual property developed by partner organizations:

  1. ownership would be negotiated between The University of Houston, Walden 3-D, Inc., LinCom Corporaton, NASA, and other participants in VETL;
  2. TCC would negotiate and enter into agreements, within the limits placed by the capitalization provided by the founding entities;
  3. contracts would be written between TCC and The University of Houston to allow technology commercialization of University of Houston intellectual property;
  4. TCC would actively sell licensed technology, using VECtor as a showcase of the applicability of the technology; and
  5. TCC would enter into agreements with other organizations to assist them in the commercialization of their technologies.

Proposed Relationship Between :

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