First thing Monday morning I received the DRC tax extension from Donna Covey. This happened after sending an e-mail requesting Donna or Merril call immediately so I could plan the day. Matt Simmons was speaking at POPS, and I was excited to hear his latest prognostication. However, Peg and Mitch Olson had made an appointment for a tour to visit the downtown Houston Tunnels and wanted to go to Space Center Houston, so I spent the day with them and Andrea. It was a good day. The photos I took are at, and they tell the story better than me. The tour guide was a retired Shell accountant. He got lost several times, and I got him back on track. Guess I understand maps better than an accountant. He was very nice, and provides a good service. Watching him helped me appreciate so much more the programs the church provides for service, specifically working in the temple. I had never walked around Heritage Park. I did not know about the museum next to the library. I had walked through the tunnels some, and not that much, so there were new places to explore and things to do. We left our guide at Jones Hall and went to Houston's Hard Rock Cafe for lunch. Then we dove to NASA. The lines were very long because of Spring Break. We went right out to get on the tour bus. We spent over half the time we were at Space Center Houston in this line. The workers could not believe how many more people there were than there had been for the previous several weeks. Maybe it was a combination of stay close to home because of the economic downturn and Spring Break. I think all four of us had a good time.
I forwarded Joe's message to Melanie when we got home from our day in the Houston Tunnels and at Space Center Houston. According to my notes we ate reception leftovers for supper. We watched "24," and then I went over to Lupe's and was able to retrieve the credit card which was switched out on Friday night. Sometime that evening I received the following message from Bridget:
As you will see from the photos the Houston reception went fine. Only issue is I
caught a cold working in the rain on Friday and Saturday. Oh, it did rain, and so all of our
work in the back yard was for naught, as we had the reception in the house. Oh well!
I'm looking forward to the Nelson Reunion. I'll be sending out another mailer with some
links I think are interesting in the next month or so.
Uncle Roice"
Bridget responded with:
"They are great and the reception in Houston looked beautiful as well even with the
bad weather. I hope that you're feeling better and we look forward to seeing you at the
reunion! Thanks!"
It would sure be nice if some of you were excited about and planning on attending the Nelson Reunion over July 4th. There was also an e-mail from Mirk Minor followed up on the tithing check we thought we had lost, and which fell in back of the files. There was a note from Karen Loftin to Andrea, and I went ahead and responded with:
We were out with family at NASA and such all day and Andrea has not yet seen your e-mail. The two usable bedrooms upstairs are filled up tonight, and it is too late to get hold of you anyway. Andrea is visiting and has not seen your note yet, and I'm sure she will respond when she does. We got your message about 9:15 PM, and there was not a phone number to call you back on. I apologize.
We have been worried about you and Bowen and TA&M@G. Wish we could have got together and got caught up. I'm assuming there is life after Ike? Family all leaves tomorrow if you need a place Tuesday night. I'm putting our cell phones on my response and sending this from my gmail account which forwards to my cell phone so you can get hold of us next time there is an opportunity to get together.
Best Regards,
c: 713.542.2207 Andrea's cell: 713.542.2197"
The response from Karen was an automatic out of office response. There was interesting correspondence between Wulf Massell and myself regarding DML, which is in my e-mail files and not appropriate to share at this time because of the Patent application we are working on.
On Tuesday morning I sent a note to Richard Nehring requesting the missing signature page. I never have received the missing signature page. Oh well! I sent a note to Luis Viertel about all of his trials. It went to the wrong address. I also thanked Roice and Sarah for sending photos to our Ceiva. There were also some e-mails back and forth with Jialin, and I will put relevant ones in the next Thoughtlet (see 0913.html). Lastly, there was an e-mail related to our Denmark project. After doing the e-mail I went to the Equestrian Center to look for Karen. I walked all over the place, asked folks, they wanted to know what my relationship with Karen was, and I felt like I was in a movie. I was surprised at how big of a place the show rings and stables in back of what I previously knew as the Equestrian Center are. I finally gave up and came home and worked on the DML Patent. Patricia, Dan Layton's administrative assistant, sent a note at 4:57 saying "Clarke said your check will be ready on Thursday. Sorry for the inconvenience."
On Wednesday I woke up to a brief note from Heather:
"if you're interested...."
I responded with:
Thanks for the update.
I'm not very good at keeping up on blogs, although Melanie did set me up with a Google Reader and
I looked at it for the first time in months as a result of your e-mail. I note there are two other bogs
I'm aware of you do not have listed you might be interested in:
It is interesting I started my blog back in 1996 (, and other than
getting behind in 2008 (I have notes and have not had time nor emotional energy to get caught up)
I have kept them up weekly. One of the reasons I got behind in 2008 was because I figured no one
was reading what I wrote and it didn't matter anyway. I have been working to keep up in 2009, and
I have not put the links to the pages up yet, other than in my monthly e-mail to you kids.
Anyway, glad we were able to see you. You look great and I am very proud of your cycling and work.
I tell my friends about our daughter who is changing the world with her work with hydrogen fuel cells.
Peg Olson sent the the following to Andrea, who forwarded it to me (Do you think there is a message in here someplace?):
"Subject: A Texas Wife
This was sent to me by a man. Notice "he gave his wife orders".
Three men married wives from different states.
The first man married a woman from MICHIGAN . He told her that she was to do the dishes and
house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the third day, he came home to see a clean house
and dishes washed and put away.
The second man married a woman from MISSOURI . He gave his wife orders that she was to do
all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. The first day he didn't see any results, but the next day
he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw his house was clean, the dishes were done and there
was a huge dinner on the table.
The third man married a girl from TEXAS . He ordered her to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed,
lawn mowed, laundry washed, and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he
didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything but by the third day, some of the swelling
had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye, and his arm was healed enough that he
could fix himself a sandwich and load the dishwasher."
There was a lot of effort put into a follow-up letter to ConocoPhillips for the DML meeting, and we ended up only sending a response with a single sentence, asking if Ken Tubman would like to get together and talk about our proposal over lunch. I spent a couple of hours with Randy Bruner looking at Capital Star Chapa #1 Prospect. This was the only day I was in the office all week. There was also a note from Ben on Wednesday:
Hope all is well. I have recently found out that my business unit is consolidating its 2 offices
(Birmingham and Brantford, ON) into one office located in Loveland, CO (right next to Ft. Collins).
I don’t have any real details yet, but it appears they want me to move to this summer. I hope to
know more within the next 6 weeks.
Just wanted to make sure you knew and we’ll keep you posted (Sarah always does on the website)
about any more details once we know them.
Ben Nelson"
I responded with:
Thanks for the update. Certainly is exciting times in your life. We still hope to make it to your
house in Birmingham before Ethan's birthday.
c: 713.542.2207
cc: Andrea"
I also sent the following note to Sarah J:
Thanks for the new Ceiva photos. Congratulations on your probable move. You guys are more like
doodlebuggers than we are. In case you don't know the term, a doodlebugger is a seismic acquisition
geophysicist who is always moving with the seismic crew, sometimes 3 or 4 times per year.
I reexplained what a doodlebugger is when we talked on the phone for Sarah's birthday. For those who do not know, a doodlebug is a worm that leaves little piles of dirt as it moves across an area. Seismic acquisition geophysicists usually have a drill to place the seismic charges, and there are holes and a pile of dirt left where the crew has shot a seismic line. So geophysicists are called doodlebuggers. And somewhere in the midst of all of these e-mails and meetings I came home to find out David and Karen Kessler had called up and they were bringing Chinese food and we were having dinner in the nice back yard. They were out of town for Rachel's wedding, and this was an opportunity to catch up. We need to do this type of thing more often. It was a wonderful evening. After they left, at 11:00 Wednesday night, I sent the following note to Randy Bruner:
I met with Dick Coons this evening regarding his Denmark opportunity. He has pulled together
a lot more data. We called Dan and agreed to meet at 1:00 on Monday to review this data. Are
you available to join us?
Best Regards,
H. Roice Nelson, Jr.
Senior Geophysicist
Layton Energy"
There was a response back at 6:20 AM:
I'll be happy to meet. I assume we are meeting here at Layton's office?
I sent another e-mail to Luis and Norma. Then I spent the rest of Thursday working on the patent. I also requested data for Michigan from Parker Gay's partner Ben Opfermann. And I sent a note about the Energy Technology Exchange to Don Robinson, Les Denham, Don Vossler, and Tracy Stark, with a cc: to Mark Bashforth and Jeff Johnson:
"Don, Les, Don, and Tracy,
As Les and Tracy know I have been working on the idea we now call a National Oil Company (NOC)
Energy Technology Exchange since SEG. Over the last few weeks I have had several meetings with
Jeff Johnson (formerly Object Reservoir and before that Landmark Graphics) and Mark Bashforth
(President of Roxar until the end of April - the company has been sold, is moving to Norway, he
wants to stay in Houston, and his contract is up). I'm very impressed with Mark, and he is excited
about the Energy Technology Exchange. You can read my initial thoughts about the Exchange at
Note this is a TWiki site (like Wikipedia) and each of you can register, and add your own pages or edit any of the pages at this site. We are looking at two branches to the Exchange, one commercial and one non-profit. This is better described at,
which is not editable, except by me.
In order to kick this project off and to start making contact with NOCs we need to have specific
products/services to offer. This e-mail is for the purpose of opening discussions with the four of
you to have the commercial arm of the Exchange to represent your products/services to NOCs.
In my opinion, the most mature of the services are ResolveGeo's seismic attributes through Don
Robinson. I think there is a good opportunity in the Middle East to use the automatic lineament
calculator and Rose Diagram generating software Les developed at II&T to help with carbonate
reservoirs. I really like the automated ranking capabilities that accompany Don Vossler's NRG
and STR attributes. And I have felt there is great worth in Tracy's seismic chronostratigraphic
volume software and services ever since I first saw it. I think you all know each other, and as I
strive to be open and above board on projects I undertake, I wanted you each to be aware I am
talking to the rest of you about participating in this opportunity.
I am in meetings all afternoon today and will have my cell phone off. My goal with this e-mail
is give you something to think about, ant then to get together for one-on-one discussions starting
tomorrow or next week to discuss whether you are interested in participating. Mark is back
next week, and he will want to meet with each of you who have interest in participating.
Best Regards,
c: 713.542.2207
cc: Mark and Jeff"
Don and Tracy both responded. The conversation is really waiting for funding to progress. Oh well! There was also a note from our Realtor in Cedar City, stating that the house we looked at is available and the owners are motivated to sell. I responded:
"We definitely plan to move home, at least for the summers. The well we were planning
on funding the purchase with has been postponed to July 2010 because of the oil price drop and
general economic condition. There are some other wells we are working on getting drilled sooner.
However, until we have the money in the bank we can not make an offer.
There is a reasonable chance Andrea and I will be in Cedar for most of July this year. I'm not
sure right know where we will be staying. Andrea wants to help her Mom, and I'm responsible
for a Nelson family reunion. When in town I will contact you and give you a more detailed
summary of where we are at. My general impression, as of this evening, is that we will set up
a house in Cedar City in about 2012, which I also anticipate is outside of your planning horizon.
Best Regards,
c: 713.542.2207"
There was an almost immediate response:
"Roice, Thank you for getting back to me so quickly, I do appreciate it. As you know
there is a wide variety of homes on the market and probably will be when you are ready to buy.
Please keep in contact with me on your desires of homes and I will do what is needed to find you
the perfect home. I hope all is well and will be looking forward to hearing from you in July.
Isn't the Internet wonderful. Although there are things around which are much more wonderful. For instance, Thursday was our first day to work at the temple. It is different being on the other side. The first person I helped was President Gillipse. I also did an endowment for Charles Quinn. When we arrived home there was a note from Karin Loftin, whom we missed on Monday because we were in the Houston Tunnels and at Space Center Houston:
"Roice, thanks for your concern. We're all fine. Mom had to move, because her apartment
was flooded. She stayed with us for a couple of months until we found something comfortable
and on the 4th floor.
Monday night all worked out (someone allowed me to stay in their room at the Comfort Inn),
but I was a little worried about having a place to lay my head until about 4pm.
Wish we could have made it to the reception for Rachel and Garrett?. We were committed to
attend another wedding of a young man whom we've known since he was born. Thought maybe
you would have had a full house anyway as you did. No problem, but I was looking forward
to seeing you and visiting with you. There maybe another opportunity at the end of April.
Another horse show at the GSWEC. Thank you always for letting me stay when possible.
Tell Andrea 'Hi' . Hope she had a nice visit out. Take care. Karin"
I sent a note to Monty Montondon, the shift coordinator for Thursday afternoon, and received a response. Guess this connection will be important if we have a trip or get sick and can not attend some Thursday.
I spent Friday, March 20th working on the patent application. I had to go out to run a few errands, and stopped to see Don Robinson new office and to talk about the Energy Technology Exchange e-mail I sent earlier in the week. I had not seen the e-mail he had sent back saying he needed to get a better grasp of what the Exchange is about before jumping in. Heloise Lynn was at his office. It was good to see her, and we had a very interesting conversation. Jim Siebert came by in the evening and picked up a paper copy of my work on the Patent to review late in the evening. There was also a note from Randy about a Hildago County Prospect, and I sent a note about getting some Lease Run Sheets back to the folks who brought us a Liberty County Prospect. Turned out the engineer who brought us the Prospect did not have the leases, and he wanted Dan to buy the leases and to pay him a $100,000 a prospect fee. It is a very interesting idea, and it will not be drilled by Layton Energy. Oh well! There were some more follow-up e-mails on our meeting with ConocoPhillips. And Heather sent another note:
"I thought some of you might appreciate this....I thought it was pretty funny!
I responded with:
Great movie. Don't know if you know it, but my Dad's brothers have some of the largest
sheep herds on Cedar Mountain. I'm copying my cousin Paul (yes, sometimes I tell my son
he was named after him and sometimes I tell him it was after my Grandpa Paul Hafen) so
he can pass the video past the Nelson clan.
cc: Paul Nelson (my cousin)"
Saturday morning we went for our walk and I mowed the lawns. I also visited the kids in my Sunday School class. Only Jeremy Wright was home. He says he is bored. So I thought a lot about what it takes for a kid to be bored. It certainly not access to information. Must just be lazy. I do not understand how anyone can be bored with all of the wonderful information available on the Internet and in the libraries and books. This is the best and most exciting time to live there has ever been. I think it is easier to be lazy than bored. On the way home I looked for houses for Jared and Melanie down by Pattison elementary. I found 5 and e-mailed them to Melanie. She says they are all outside her budget. When I got back I composed the following report for Mark and Jeff on the Energy Technology Exchange:
"Mark and Jeff,
Earlier in the week I copied the two of you on an e-mail to four friends who could provide
software of services based on their software which I believe could be the basis for starting
the Exchange. This e-mail is a report on the conversations resulting from the e-mail.
1. Don Robinson, President ResolveGeo, office: 281.395.3999, mobile: 281.435.6714,
url:, just moved to a new building they built across from the
Park 'N Ride on Kingsland between Fry and Mason (turn north off of Kingsland at Kelsey
Seabold on Mason Parkway, take the second right, and the building is the second on the
right) which has 10,000 square feet and is about 1/3 filled. Don has set the building up so
folks can rent office space from him. ResolveGeo has the central 1/3rd and the upstairs.
Don has 9 employees, all under 30, with one wedding and one baby this next week. The
eastern 1/3rd is set up for training, with it's own reception area. The western 1/3rd is an
ideal initial home for the Exchange, with it's own reception area and kitchen, and a dozen
offices. Don does not want to sell software, rather he gives his visualization software
away to customers who purchase 100 attributes calculated post-stack on their 3-D seismic
surveys. This "gift" is a great initial product for the Exchange, specifically:
A. Don is not excited about selling to NOCs. They do not pay on time, they collect data
by minimum bid, and this means the data quality is poor and his attributes will not look
so good based on this quality of input. If they pay up-front he will try it out. One of
his colleagues, Dr. Heloise Lynn, just spent 2 weeks teaching anisotropy to Kuwait
Petroleum. Don ran his 100 attributes on 4 anisotropy volumes provided by Kuwait
Petroleum a few days before Heloise left. It was a great success, and they will be
doing more training for them. Don QC's each survey that goes out, and only wants
to deliver high quality products so folks come back. With prices down acquisition
and reprocessing are on hold. However, post-stack reprocessing is booming, and Don
is very carefully growing his business. The key is he will let us sell to NOCs if we
prepay for his services.
B. Don is very interested in having paying customers, or customers who's commissions
for selling his attributes cover their rent, in his facility. It makes a lot of sense to me
to work out an arrangement with Don where he has an ownership in the commercial
arm of the Exchange in return for being the initial anchor in the Exchange. I have
no idea how to reasonably divide up the initial shares of the Exchange. I expect
something for originating the idea. Wulf Massell and Tracy Stark should have shares
for their contributions to the initial ideas. The two of you need an ownership position.
And people who contribute technology, services, time, or other things to the Exchange
need an ownership position. I do like the idea of the not-for-profit arm being one share
per participating company or contributor. I expect there should be a base shares for
involvement, and then shares based on how much profit comes from contributions. I
do not know how to quantify the contributions of someone like Don Robinson, who
will create credibility coming out of the chute, and who will provide office space and
training space. Mark, I expect this is what you get paid the big bucks to decide.
2. Les Denham, II&T (Interactive Interpretation & Training), cell: 713.962.3964, url:, currently office is with Geokinetics off of the West toll road
at 1500 CityWest Blvd., Suite 800. When I worked for Geokinetics, I brought Les
in as a contractor, he ended up with an office, and II&T moved with Geokinetics
when they moved. Les was receptive to talking to Don Robinson about moving out
into his building. II&T currently has one of my two Landmark licenses (value about
$400,000), which they have not been using. Don wants to do interpretation services,
and so he is excited about the possibility of having this Landmark license in his shop.
This fits with the Exchange. My other license is on a Linux laptop at Layton Energy,
and I can bring it out to work on projects pretty much anytime it makes sense to. Les
does most of his programming in TCL/TK and Perl. He has built a library of support
tools. Most of these tools could be reprogrammed in C or C++ as plug-ins for Petrel,
SMT, or even Landmark, Geographix, or GeoQuest. II&T has been hurting financially,
and given some cash flow to cover salaries for Dave Agarwal (President and former
Chief Geophysicist for Noranda) and Les, they will work closely with the Exchange.
A. Les did a lot of work to make more commercial the automatic lineament generation
software we developed for the Precuyano project. It calculates lineaments from
any horizon, horizon slice, for any attribute, and then will calculate rose diagrams
at specific well locations or at specified intervals across the survey. I think this is
very powerful software for fractured reservoirs. They approached ConocoPhillips
about purchasing the software, and they were told ConocoPhillips has no money
right now. So Les put it on hold. He does not program in C nor C++ and so the
Exchange would need a programmer to convert it from Perl to a plug-in. II&T
and I are to split profits from this software, and I'll donate my portion to the
Exchange to get things started.
B. Les mentioned he has developed a generalized Monte Carlo solution, which can be
used for any type of data one wants to run Monte Carlo simulations on. I anticipate
this could become the first significant plug-in.
C. Les said he would take Dave and spend some time with Don Robinson talking
about the office space. Mark, you might want to get in the middle of this
conversation before Les and Don talk.
3. Don Vossler is a Ph.D. who is retired and who works out of his home off of Mason
Road south of where Mason crosses The Grand Parkway. His home office is
281.437.9144 and his cell is 281.650.7730. Don has two attributes which he has
developed and which I attempted to get added to Don Robinson's attributes. Don
Robinson did some tests and could not find any difference between one of his
attributes and what Don Vossler is calculating for NRG. I anticipate the STR
attribute is different. However, the key is the software Don has written which
takes anomalies identified with his NRG attribute and automatically ranks these
attributes. This is the ideal way to take a new survey and to overnight fine tune
it with a list of ranked anomalies (ranked by size or by depth) to go through and
evaluate. I expect this ranking software can be applied to any anomalies
automatically generated, and believe it will prove to be very valuable. Don
believes his attributes are patentable. He does not tell anyone the math behind his
attributes. I have used them on projects for Ji Dong Oilfield in the Bohai Bay of
China, in the Tarim Basin of Western China, offshore Mexico, in several places
in the Gulf of Mexico, and in Shackelford County, Texas. I have truly been amazed
every time I run this attribute on a seismic survey, and believe Don has a significant
innovation. For instance, in Shackelford County, we were able to see depletion
halos around producing wells in the Mississippian carbonates. Where there are
not depletion halos is where the next wells need to go. Don sent me the following
e-mail after receiving my note:
I am definitely interested in hearing what you have to say. I will be out
of town beginning tomorrow (FRI) and will be returning by midday on Tuesday.
It is OK to contact me by cell phone while I am gone if it will facilitate
the process (281-650-7730).
4. Dr. Tracy Stark is the owner of Stark Research in Plano. Wulf talked about how
his software is not commercial. I agree. However, his services are certainly
commercial. His approach is unique, is patented, and I have published a series
of articles about his work at the NetWork website:
which will provide a basis for understanding what Tracy provides. Tracy sent me
the following e-mail in response to my note:
Thanks for the update. I am interested. The family and I am heading to
Houston for a "Spring Break" visit with my parents. We will be leaving here
(Plano, TX) in a few hours; we will be heading back to Plano on Saturday
afternoon or Sunday morning. While I am in Houston I can be reached either
on my cell phone (214-497-1957) or my parent's number (713-465-4261). If
you want to try to meet this weekend, let me know. Responding to email is
often spotty while I am visiting with my parents.
I am not familiar with Don Vossler's NRG and STR attributes. Don do you have
any papers you might send me that describe what you are working on?
Tracy J. Stark
STARK Research / Stark Reality, Inc.
5021 Sparrows Point
Plano, TX 75023
(972) 964-9796"
I've been very busy, and so I did not contact Tracy. I think it is best if Mark makes
the next contact, once there is a basic framework for how the Exchange is going to work.
As I hope the two of you can tell, I am very excited about the Exchange and about our
conversations. I am in the middle of a significant new patent, as well as several new
exploration opportunities. Since I am very busy, I see my best role going forward is as
support and working in the evenings on web and similar things. Let me know when
you are back in the saddle and when you want to get together again. I'm looking
forward to progress.
Best Regards,
c: 713.542.2207"
First thing Sunday morning there was a note about choir practice from Katie Cloward. We had a good Sacrament Meeting. At lease based on the fact I captured 4 possible stanzas for Prime Words:
"Women of Faith: Our faith will
Light each footstep
And we must
Start with faith (a)
(a) Amy McLaughlin, NCW Sacrament Meeting, 22 Mar 2009
Hope: One of the three legs
Of the Gospel of Christian
Changing life's qualities today
Lifting us from life's troubles (b)
(b) Kelley Anne Miner, NCW Sacrament Meeting, 22 Mar 2009
Charity: The pure love of Christ is
The love Christ has for us
Which love we should have
For those we interact with (c)
(c) Patrice Peterson, NCW Sacrament Meeting, 22 Mar 2009
Terrorist: President Howard W. Hunter
Threatened by a bomb
Stood fast and firm
Facing life's unexpected challenge (d)
(d) Amy McLaughlin, NCW Sacrament Meeting, 22 Mar 2009"
When we got home I sent a note to Kay Harlan about the kids from her class who attended my class while they were on their annual ski trip: Andrew McBride, MacIntyre Branning, Matthew Kennerson, Matthew Parks, Devin Summers, Nicole Davis, Hope Minor, Samantha Wheeler, Seria Khalio, plus kids from my class. It was the best class I have had since I started teaching Sunday School. I worked on all afternoon and evening. This was the day I posted the first forms for Grandkids to fill out, and forwarded the test results to me. And as I think about all that happened this week, it is hard to believe it all started with a visit to the Houston Tunnels and Space Center Houston."
Since the 38th week of 1996 I have written a weekly "Thoughtlet"
(little statements of big thoughts which mean a lot to me).
Until the 43rd week of 2004 I sent these out as an e-mail. They
were intended to be big thoughts which mean a lot to me.
Over time the process evolved into a personal diary. These notes
were shared with my family because I know how important the
written word can be. Concerned about how easy it is to drift and
forget our roots and our potential among all of distractions of
daily life, I thought this was a good way to reach those I love.
It no longer feels right to send out an e-mail and "force" my kids
and my family to be aware of my life and struggles.
Everyone has their own life to lead, and their own struggles to
work through. I will continue this effort, and will continue to
make my notes publicly accessible (unless I learn of
misuse by someone who finds out about them, and then will
pursue a legal remedy to copyright infringement and I will put the Thoughtlets
behind a password).
The index to download any of these Thoughtlets is at,
or you can e-mail me with
questions or requests at
(note if you are not on my e-mail "whitelist" you must send 2 e-mails
within 24 hours of each other in order for your e-mail to not be trashed).
With all my love,
(H. Roice Nelson, Jr.)
