A Christmas List for a good Mom


When I got a replacement for the the 0.3 carat diamond that fell out of your wedding ring, I sized an alternative 0.7 carat ring which you could switch out with the current center ring when we go someplace nicer. However, the Chinese didn't pay the Nigerians nor GDC, and so this gift was not purchased as I know any value would be undone by your concerns for living within our budget. Maybe for your birthday.

Completely independently, some time ago I put together a set of values for my Open Mind project. Because of your concerns and feeling down after church this evening, I decided to spend a couple of hours to find words to tell you how much you mean to me, and specifically how much I love you, by describing my perception of your attributes relative to these values:

  • Adventure: Who else do I know who would climb dozens of Mayan temples with me, driving for hours on narrow roads, almost running out of gas, and being stopped by militia with AK-47's? Who else do I know who wanted to go to Nigeria with me, and who kept up my spirits when guards with AK-47's joined us, when thugs threw spiked boards in front of our car tires, and when we got a flat tire in the middle of the Port Harcourt city dump and almost missed our flight back to Lagos? Thank you for your willingness and eagerness to share my adventures.

  • Avoid Adultry: Thanks for providing peace of mind in that I never worry about your leaving me for another man.

  • Balance: You provide balance to my life. I am way too caught up in myself and my ideas. The spirit you bring home from teaching seminary, the way you keep and decorate our house, the wonderful meals you fix, all create a balance for me.

  • Baptism: There is no question about your commitment to the restored gospel, and to honoring the covenants you made when you were baptized.

  • Beauty: You are too hard on yourself, particularly regarding the need for makeup and nice clothes. To me you are beauty! To your kids you are beauty! To my friends, specifically as shown by comments by Gary Jones and Bill Hagen, each of who has stated with a tone of disbelief I could find someone so beautiful to marry me, you are beauty!

  • Blameless: You have had a lot of blame dished out to you for things for which you are blameless. This is a beautiful example of your following the example of our Savior.

  • Brotherhood: There is nothing you enjoy more than the brotherhood and sisterhood of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing this with me.

  • Celebrate Birth: I love how diligent you have been in helping each of our Grandchildren come into this world, and of course helping their Mom's. You truly know how to celebrate birth.

  • Charity: Your love of your seminary and your Japanese students highlights the depth of your charity. And this does not include the numerous calls we get from those seeking clothing donations, which calls only continue to come because you have provided charity in the past.

  • Chastity: It is a tremendous comfort for me to be in the same room with you each month and to see you raise your hand to the square, bow your head, and commit to remain chaste.

  • Consecration: Whether it is sweet buns for seminary or chili for a church dinner, or whether you are called to play the piano or teach seminary, your life demonstrates consecration to Jesus.

  • Contributions: Thank you for taking care of the finances, for making up for my weaknesses in this area, and for paying our tithing, our Fast Offerings, and making sure we are ready for tithing settlement.

  • Control Anger: I know there are times when I make you upset. I'm sorry. Thank you for controlling your anger and for treating me better than I deserve.

  • Conviction: As I watched you soak in Nauvoo and our heritage, the depth of your conviction to that which is right and true and good and worthwhile was overwhelming.

  • Courage: The only time I have seen you lacking courage was when we climbed to Angels Landing on our honeymoon, and I think that was a physical depth perception thing, and not a personal lack of courage. Thanks for being an example of courage.

  • Death with Dignity: I was not there to support you when your Father died. However, having heard you talk of his strength in his ability to stop dialysis, knowing it would end his life, I can not think of a better example of death with dignity.

  • Divorce without Judgment: We have been married for 7 ½ years, and I have never heard you judge your x-husband. You have stated how hurt you were the Christmas of 1988. However, I am so impressed with how well you have handled something so hard, especially when I compare your reactions to my own.

  • Equality: There are a lot of ways to look at equality. Equality in marriage. Equality for different races. Equality in financial gifts. In all of these areas you are unparalleled in providing an equal playing field.

  • Endurance: There are very few mornings of our married life you have not got up and gone for a long walk. I learned about your endurance this summer when I attempted to keep up with you as we toured Italy and got blisters on both feet. I was actually glad to be able to go to the conference and relax sitting in a chair and listening to professional papers.

  • Eternal Life: I know how much you long to be with your father, with Peter Shirts, with Hyrum Smith, and with others in your family. I also know how much you long for your children to be with you for the eternities. I anticipate and hope this longing, along with the way you lead your life will bring this longing and desire of your heart to pass.

  • Eternal Marriage: I believe in eternal marriage with all my heart. I am so pleased you accepted my proposal to become my eternal companion. The road is not easy, and the process is an important part of creating a truly eternal marriage.

  • Fairness: Steve Joseph taught me that fairness is not a principle. However, fairness is a value, and as a value, you certainly have always shown fairness.

  • Faith: In some ways I feel I have tremendous faith. However, when I think of your example and the things we talk about, I realize my faith is of a much smaller mustard seed than yours.

  • Family: Thank you for accepting my family, with all of our weaknesses, and making them your family. In many ways you are better with some of my kids than I am. Thank you for helping me to see the good in each of my children and thanks for sharing your children with me. At times it seems like we will never be an eternal family, and yet I know this is the desire of our hearts, and I continue to hope and pray we will find the way to help each child find truths we have found.

  • Forgiveness: Thank you for forgiving me of my mistakes. I do strive to learn from my mistakes, and I appreciate your patience with me and with my weaknesses.

  • Freedom: Sometimes it seems hard for you to trust in others ability to make as good of choices as you can and do make. However, in the end, it seems you always have let freedom dominate.

  • Friendship: Thanks for being my friend. I'm sorry I do not listen and talk as much as you would like. However, I know you find friends, like your walking ladies or the seminary teachers, to fill in for my inadequacies as being a friend. Hopefully time will help us improve and build on our friendship.

  • Good News: Each week as we sit in sacrament meeting and wait for the sacrament to be brought to us, I see you reveling in the scriptures and the good news of the gospel. In addition, I know how excited you are to receive good news from a child, a sibling, or a friend.

  • Goodwill: How many service projects have you done since you have been in Houston. Whether it was with the Young Women, as Young Women President, with the Special Olympics, with Seminary, or with friends, you are always out sharing good will.

  • Health Code: The meals you fix are wonderful. I'm sorry I have let myself feel sorry for myself with the result of getting fat. Hopefully this approach of skipping dinner will help me get rid of the rest of the excess weight, and then I will be able to enjoy your healthy meals each day.

  • Home: Thank you for turning my house into our home. You have been the opposite of a carpenter bee. Instead of drilling holes and ruining a good structure, you have replaced and continue to replace the weak parts and to create a heaven on earth for our home. I don't think anyone knows how much work and effort, thought and planning, and elbow grease into our home.

  • Honesty: It is rare today to find someone as committed to being honest as I am. You are. Thanks for being my companion in fighting the trends of todays world.

  • Hope: Sometimes the choices of those we love become very discouraging. However, your hope always shines through the despair which can come into any life.

  • Humility: In knowing your decisions are right, you can come across a proud. However, I have watched you with all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances over the past 7 ½ years. I have never seen you build yourself up, or let pride guide your actions. Thanks for your example, and for your helping me to sometimes see those times I get too full of myself.

  • Inspiration: Often when I have been feeling down, and have turned to my guitar for soothing, the notes and the words have turned to you and to the positive impact you have had on my life and on the lives of my children and grandchildren. Thanks for being an inspiration to me.

  • Integrity: Honesty is the first step to integrity, and I've already written about your honesty. When the final chapter is read back to us, I have no doubt there will be no duplicity in your life.

  • Jealousy: As you know, I struggle with jealously, largely out of my own insecurity. You have been jealous of some of the big ideas which can fill my head. However, I know you know I will never be unfaithful, and I have never sensed jealously of another woman. I'm thankful you have the self confidence to know there is no one who can compete with you.

  • Joy: Your love of our Savior and the joy you find in the restored gospel are a light to me. I have not found the same joy I see in your life, and you are an example helping me to find my way to a better relationship with my Savior.

  • Justice: You are fair and do not give in when others attempt to manipulate you or to take advantage of you. You have helped me treat those I love with more justice, and less capricious angry responses. Thank you.

  • Love: I know you love me. I hope you know I love you. We both feel like our children sometimes do not love us, and yet I anticipate we will discover over time their love is as deep and as abiding as the love we feel for each other and for our Savior.

  • Loyalty: I realize there are several times since we have been married when circumstances have proved to be very hard for you. Particularly with regards to the way I handle finances. Thank you for your loyalty, and for sticking with me, and for helping to move financial things to a place where you are more comfortable with them.

  • Keep the Commandments: I realize it was hard for you to give up going to "R-Rated" movies when you married me. I think this has been a wise choice, and it is the only example I can think of where we have had a disagreement from my side on keeping the commandments. There are the things I do, like watch Jay Leno or swear when I get angry, which you have done a good job of helping me to see where I am compromising. Thanks, and hopefully someday I will be able to over come my weaknesses.

  • Magnanimity: The breath of your heart and the depth of your service is shown with the reactions of those you Visit Teach or your seminary students or your Young Women or others you interact with.

  • Marriage: I know you did not seek a divorce. I know I did not seek a divorce. I know we would both still be married to our original partners if they would have been willing. And yet I also know the Doctrine and Covenants refers to marriage partners being "removed out of their place" in several different places. I'm so glad the Lord worked things so we could find each other and create an eternal union.

  • Mercy: There are times when I have been ready to write off those I love as completely lost causes. You have helped remind me I am a lost cause without the mercy and forgiveness of our Savior. Thank you for helping me keep a perspective in times of trial.

  • Moderate Eating: You are a good cook, and it is too easy for me to eat everything that is put in front of me, especially when I am feeling stress, which is most of the time. Thank you for supporting my efforts to moderate my eating.

  • Money: Thank you for taking care of our finances. I know you feel unappreciated. However, I do know that if I hired a Merril Littlwood or someone else to take care of the finances, it would not work anywhere near as well as it has with you watching out for us. Hopefully my optimism regarding our financial future is not in vain, and we will have resources to fulfill missions as well as some of the dreams of my heard regarding new types of communities.

  • Openness: I realize I am excessively open. I appreciate your being completely open with me. I also appreciate your putting the reigns on me when I start to share things which neither help us nor the folks with whom I am being promiscuously honest with.

  • Opportunity Driven: There is no question how opportunity driven I am. I appreciate your helping me to recognize when I have dropped opportunities we have talked about in the past, when the opportunities are still out there and available for us to take advantage of.

  • Peace: My home has become our home. Our home has found peace. Thank you!

  • Play: I do not know how to play. You do. You also know how to laugh. Thanks for helping me see my need to improve in these areas.

  • Prayer: Your prayers can be like a wormhole directly into heaven. We need to pray more together, and I'm sorry if I am the reason you prefer to pray alone.

  • Progress: Look at all of the progress I have made since you came into my life! Thank you. I was in the depths of self-pity and feeling like a failure. I still find myself going back there at times. I appreciate how you help pull me out of these times of funk.

  • Purity: Lives are seldom pure. I certainly recognize my mistakes, and I recognize you have made a few yourself. However, I firmly believe that because of the love of our Savior there will be a time when we will be totally refined and purified, and that together we will stand at the judgment bar of God and be received into His Kingdom. The process is hard, as we know from experience. The reward is worth it, and the key is to endure to the end.

  • Recognize Happiness (what happens now): The last two nights with the Austin contingent and with the Vidor contingent have been wonderful, as you pointed out after we got home from Sacrament Meeting. I do think we both need to work on helping each other recognize all of the joy and happiness that does surround us, and that this will help us to deal with our struggles.

  • Reconcile Past (loss and pain): You have done a much better job of reconciling the past than I have. I realize you still struggle regarding "If I had only done this!" or "If I had only done that!" And there is no question about the fact we have both suffered considerable loss and had much pain in our lives. I do believe we are strengthening each other and letting go of some of this loss and pain. I firmly believe that as we stay on the right track we will get rid of it all and come to a complete reconciliation with the past.

  • Repentance: We all make mistakes. Some are programed by our families of origin. Some are because of our pride or our selfishness. Some are out of concern for those whom we love. Some we don't recognize as mistakes. Yet, in your life, whenever I see you recognize a mistake, you are quick to repent, quick to forgive yourself or others, and quick to get on with your life. To me this is the essence of repentance.

  • Resolutions: You are not big on New Years Resolutions. However, when you resolve to get up at 4:30 and to exercise for 45 minutes before getting ready for seminary, you are absolutely firm in keeping this resolution. And I think it is that way with each of your resolutions.

  • Respect Future (fear): Helping me make sure we live within our means is certainly an example of a healthy respect for the future. Living the gospel, and setting an example for our children is certainly another example. I do hope to be able to provide enough to quell many of your fears regarding our financial future. I realize I will never be able to quell your fears, nor you mine, regarding the dangers of free agency and the choices of those whom we love the most.

  • Reverence: Playing the piano for primary children can create a ambiance of reverence. You do this well. Creating an environment where there is no need to worry about food nor clothing nor fear for safety creates reverence. Our home is a reverent place. Thanks!

  • Sacrifice: Your sacrifice for our children is phenomenal. I think of all that you did for your four children in raising them on your own on a shoestring budget. I see how much time and effort you sacrifice for my children, with the beautiful quilt you made for Sara Ellen being the most recent example. They may not see your sacrifice yet. I'm sure as they have their own experience with life's challenges, there will be a much greater appreciation for your sacrifices.

  • Self Regard: Normally you are very self-confident. Sometimes you put yourself down. Certainly in almost all of your interactions with others you demonstrate self regards.

  • Serenity: There is peace in a beautiful sunset. There is peace as the waves roll in at the seashore. When you are worried about our kids, you are not serene. And when life is good, you provide a sense of safety and serenity which totally surrounds and encases and comforts and gives me peace.

  • Service: True service shows true love of our savior. If there is a call for service, whether it be at the peanut butter cannery or to help a sister clean her house or to actually complete a visiting teaching assignment, there is no question about the fact Andrea Shirts Nelson is there first and still there last, providing true Christian service.

  • Shame: Pride and selfishness keep people from being ashamed of mistakes. I have been conditioned since childhood to play shame and blame games. I do not see this tendency in you. Rather, I see your feelings of shame when you make a mistake, never as an attempt to put someone else down because you disagree with them or because of their mistakes.

  • Sincerity: There is nothing as sincere as a tearful testimony of the restoration. I thank you for your sincerity, and for the strength it gives me as I face the demons of my life.

  • Sisterhood: I respect there are things you share with Sisters in the Ward which are none of my business. I think it is admirable you are such a good friend, and you are willing to protect those whom you care about, which is pretty much everyone you know.

  • Steadfastness: I like rocks. Part of the reason is that rocks are stable. They do not change. They do not turn on you. They can be measured and remeasured, and the measurements are predictable. You are my rock. Thank you for being a sure anchor point in tumultuous seas.

  • Temperance: There has never been any question with me regarding your commitment to the Word of Wisdom. When I think of the word temperance, I think of control, and this starts with control of those substances we take into our bodies. Thank you for the example you set for our children and our grandchildren. Thank you for your temperance in reacting to my mistakes.

  • Thanksgiving: I know you are thankful for our blessings. I have heard you tell the Lord. I have heard you tell the Bishop. I have heard you tell our children. I appreciate your appreciation of our blessings.

  • The Holy Ghost: Your talk on The Holy Ghost at Jonathan Schmidt's baptism was awesome. I know you understand the spirit. There are many times when you tell me experiences at seminary or someplace else that the spirit bears witness to me you are speaking of eternal truths. Thank you for being in tune with this most important channel of communication.

  • Tithing: Tithing has always been very important to me. I have never had to worry about our tithing being paid and being paid first. And tithing settlement has been a very pleasant experience since you came into my life. Thank you!

  • Tolerance: I am not very tolerant with regards to some things. Thank you for your tolerance, and for helping me to see my lack of tolerance in a non-judgmental and tolerant way.

  • Trust: I truly trust you. Thanks for being trustworthy.

  • Truth: It is nice to have a friend and a companion with whom there is never a need to backtrack nor to be concerned about consistency with something said in the past. Knowing truth is always spoken is a blessing, even if it somethings means I need to reevaluate some choices.

  • Vulnerable: It is hard to be open and to shear our fears and our hurts and our concerns and our pains. You are willing to be vulnerable with me, and for this I am grateful. I realize I have not handled your concerns as you would desire at times. For this I am truly sorry. Hopefully I will do better in the future. Hopefully you will always be willing to trust me, and help me correct mistakes when they happen.

  • Wealth: True wealth is not the dollars we have, it is our children, our grandchildren, the good times we spend together, and the hope we have for the future. In these things we are truly wealthy. I do anticipate we will have an opportunity to be tried by the other, more traditional, type of wealth. I believe the trials of the last few years have provided us with a good foundation upon which we will be able to handle success and not loose our souls to pride and selfishness. I certainly hope this is the case.

  • Work: I can rake the lawn faster than you, and probably only barely because my muscles are different than yours. However, I'm not sure I have the stamina you have with it comes to yard work, redecorating house work, or even church work. Work is a key value of the Nelson's, and from this standpoint you fit right into the Nelson family.

  • Work with young people: I do not know anyone better than you at working with young people. This is a most important value to me, because the youth are our future. Thank you for your efforts with our grandchildren, with kids at church, and with other kids at school or elsewhere.

  • Worship: It is an honor to be able to go to church with you each Sunday (even when I'm traveling you are in church with me vicariously). It is special to have a companion at my side as I strive to live my life in a way that shows sincere worship of our Lord and our Savior.

You often ask why I love you. I hope this Christmas letter and present helps answer this question once and for all! Merry Christmas! I DO LOVE YOU!



Copyright © 2006 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.