Ethan Update

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To: "Robbye & Guy Jackson (E-mail)" <>, "Susie Johnson (E-mail)" <>, "Roice Nelson III (E-mail)" <>, "Roice Nelson Jr. (E-mail)" <>, "Marti Nelson (E-mail)" <>, "Paul Nelson (E-mail)" <>, "Rob Nelson (E-mail)" <>, "Sara Nelson (E-mail)" <>, "Audrey Nielson (E-mail)" <>, "Rachel Nielson (E-mail)" <>, "Heather Pace (E-mail)" <>, "Sara & Des Penny (E-mail)" <>, "Holly Roehl (E-mail)" <>, "Melanie Wright (E-mail)" <>, "Allison Easton (E-mail)" <>, "Becky Key (E-mail)" <>, "Carolyn Gillespie (E-mail 2)" <>, "Carolyn Gillespie (E-mail)" <>, "Jeremy Zorn (E-mail)" <>, "Josh Mermis (E-mail)" <>, "Melissa Mora (E-mail)" <>, "Victor Cornejo (E-mail)" <>, "Amy Holmes (E-mail)" <>, "Amy Mynderse (E-mail)" <>, "Ben Nelson (E-mail 2)" <>, "Ben Nelson (E-mail)" <>, "Bill Atkinson (E-mail 2)" <>, "Bill Atkinson (E-mail)" <>, "Carlos Garza (E-mail)" <>, "Damon Vance (E-mail)" <>, "Dana Atkinson (E-mail)" <>, "David Booth (E-mail)" <>, "DJ Flores (E-mail)" <>, "Erin Morales (E-mail)" <>, "Ian Voelzel (E-mail)" <>, "Jackie Ramirez (E-mail)" <>, "Jaime Hartman (E-mail)" <>, "Jaimie Parker (E-mail)" <>, "Jennifer Scales (E-mail)" <>, "Kevin W. Clark (E-mail)" <>, "Linda Savage (E-mail)" <>, "Mark Boothe (E-mail)" <>, "Matt Cloninger (E-mail)" <>, "Mia Poehlmann (E-mail)" <>, "Mike Bennett (E-mail 2)" <>, "Mike Bennett (E-mail)" <>, "Mike Breier (E-mail 2)" <>, "Mike Breier (E-mail)" <>, "Neal Lippold (E-mail)" <>, "Oscar Gonzalez (E-mail)" <>, "Phil Scales (E-mail)" <>, "Rob Morales (E-mail)" <>, "Robert Penrod (E-mail)" <>, "Russ Savage (E-mail 2)" <>, "Russ Savage (E-mail)" <>, "Ryan Lippold (E-mail)" <>, "Shannon Parker (E-mail)" <>, "Thor Mynderse (E-mail)" <>, "Tom Crucian (E-mail)" <>, "Vickie Hennings (E-mail)" <>

Family and Friends --

Another generic letter, but I wanted to let give an update on the little guy. We went for his 2 month check-up on Thursday. He got the big round of shots -- and did not like it one bit. They put two shots in one thigh and two in the other, he screamed and cried real tears!! Then they put those little round band-aids on so he looked polka-dotted! :) But the doctor said he is doing great... He weighed 12 lbs. 13 oz. and is 23" long (last month's visit he was about 10 lbs. and 21.5" long) -- so he has grown. In fact, he registered in the 90th percentile -- meaning he is a big baby for his age. They gave me some Infant Tylenol in case he got a mild fever from the shots, and usually 0-3 months old (based upon their weight) get a certain amount but Ethan had already graduated to the 4-6 month category!! Let's just say that he definitely has the thunder thighs and chubby cheeks. It is so funny to stand him up and see these stubby, little legs! He still really has no hair yet, he even is losing some in the back where he lays down. Let's just hope he won't get my dad's hair...

He is drooling a lot, smiling a lot, giggling a lot... He can almost roll over, too -- he can go from being on his back to being on his side and hitch one leg over to almost roll over, but the hand on the ground is creating a real obstacle for him, can't quite figure that one out yet!! He is also still sleeping a lot which is nice -- allows me to get things done at work and sometimes at home. He officially likes the swing now, too -- last time I looked over after I had put him in it and he had major spit up all down his belly!

Ben is taking two classes right now and has lots of group projects which keep him busy. He is still playing soccer and having a great time, if not sore every time he comes home!! He played in a golf tournament with some co-workers on Friday and won a gift certificate for being closest to the pin, so he went and bought a hat. Work is the same for both us -- just plain work. I finally set up my dark room and developed some pictures of Ethan (who else of course). I still have a long ways to go though in making anything look good. Lots of things I forgot about from my college course. But it was a lot of fun nonetheless.

Well, that's about it. Hope everyone is doing well.

P.S. For our website friends: I am still working on the guest book page. I emailed a guy about the problem, but have yet to hear from him, so I might just call... Hopefully soon.

Take care,


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Please send comments or questions to Ben and Sarah Nelson care of

Copyright © 2000 Benjamin Bengt and Sarah Nelson