Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0112_01BF89A8.98B25BC0" X-Sun-Content-Length: 6680 Content-Length: 6680 X-Lines: 180 Status: RO BOY ** BOY ** BOY ** BOY ** BOY ** BOY ** BOY Ethan Evans Nelson He is currently a little less than 1 lb. and a little over 9 inches long. With these measurements, the lady said that the date could move to July 24 instead of July 18, but the doctor would have to agree with that. She was guessing this based on his current measurements, but he could be at the beggining of a growth spurt. So you just don't know. He made it quite clear that we was a boy too, as you will see in the pictures!! AND he is as healthy as can be, has everything that he should, facial features look good, and is kicking the crap out of me!! I am going to be so out-numbered now... :) I have attached the 3 pictures they gave us. (Let me know if you are unable to open it and I can convert it to a different format.) The first is the tell tale sign of his sex, the other two are face profiles. We also got a video, that we haven't looked at yet. But it was really cool to watch the parts she did video tape. We saw eating and swallowing despite the fact that his stomach was huge! We saw his umbilical cord, sucking his thumb, stretching his neck, etc. The wierd part was watching him move around and then feeling him at the same time... Our next appointment is April 5, but it will be another routine check-up. Once I am about 7/8 months I will start to go in more frequently. Fun, fun... Well, that's our big news. We are really excited. Now, it is off to Toys 'R Us so we can buy him his first Star Wars Action figure and lego set!! Then, Ben added his first Star Wars lego set! I think Ben is going to have more fun with the toys than Ethan! Take care and talk to y'all soon! Sarah, Ben, and Ethan (Sadie and Wizzer, too) Sarah L. Nelson Director of Communications THE EDUCATION GROUP ********************************* 5952 Royal Lane, Ste. 203 Dallas, TX 75230 (800) 369-9102 or (214) 696-3692 Fax (214) 369-4979