... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes

  1. For life to exist, the earth had to cool, the crust solidify, liquid water had to appear, the chemistry had to be just right, and atmospheric oxygen had to wait for photosynthesis from algae and other plant life.3.110 The amount of time is required for random chemical reactions to form a simple bacterium has been calculated to exceed the estimated 15-billion year age of the universe.3.111
  2. The random formation of 100 amino acids into a protein has been shown to have a probability of 10-191. At what probability is something impossible without an architect?3.112
Since superstition is defined as a blindly accepted belief or notion,3.113 maybe the scientist who believes life occurred from random interactions over long periods of time, without the guiding hand of a master designer, are the ones who are superstitious?

The superstitiousness of those scientists who claim to be atheistic is further supported by three points made by Hugh Nibley in his book Approaching Zion,3.114 where he quotes from R. Buckminster Fuller's book "Intuition,"3.115 Hoimar Von Ditfurth's book, "Children of the Universe,"3.116 and Fred Hoyle's "The Universe: Past and Present Reflections:"3.117
  1. Local physical systems are always exporting energy, while all living tissue must import energy.
    • Energies emanating from celestial regions remote from Planet Earth are indeed converging and accumulating in Planet Earth's biosphere.
    • This converging and accumulation is both radiation and matter.
    • We aboard Earth receive just the right amount of energy to keep biological life regenerated on board, despite our manifold ignorance and wastage.
    • The Van Allen Belts, the ionosphere, and the atmosphere progressively refract the radiation, separating it into a variety of life-sustaining increments.
    • Vegetation is the prime energy impounder.
    • Earth is measurably retaining and impounding the stellar radiation by progressively angular refractions into separately discrete frequencies.
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