... II. The Framework ...
The traditional Western Pacific Navigation Star Structures are similar to the
one-dimensional Australian Songlines (see Figure 25). The approach
is to learn all of the signs which tell one how to navigation of great distances between islands on the open ocean. There
are rituals used to pass this knowledge from generation to generation.
Understanding and passing on to the next generation these advanced navigation skills, the ancestral Polynesians colonized
previously |  |
unsettled islands covering a gigantic area. Some of these canoe voyages were against prevailing winds and tides.
They navigated these vast distances by the sun, the stars, as well as by careful observation of cloud reflections and bird
flight patterns. The name given to a star or constellation taken as a mark to steer by was kaweinga.
An entire small village of people would set sail on Polynesian double-hulled canoes (see Figure 26).
By 700 AD archaeological evidence indicates the Polynesians had settled the vast Polynesian traiangle from
Easter Island to New Zealand to Hawaii. The Polynesians definitely knew the definition of space and location,
even if it was along one-dimensional navigation routes.2.73
I recall a two unintended one-dimensional horse rides: one as a child; and one as a youth. In both cases the
horse wanted to get back to their corral, and I lost control, so there was no stopping them. The first time was at Calf Springs Ranch, south of
Enterprise, Utah where a snake startled Old Buck, pulling the reigns out of my Uncle Glenn’s hands, and he took off. In this case, the horse stopped
for a fence. However, I didn’t. I went over the horses head, landed head first on a large volcanic rock, and woke up a day later in my bed,
about 45 miles away. It would have been good to have learned to keep the reigns tight. The second horse ride was with a horse I was breaking to ride.
He would not stop when heading back to his corral, even though someone had shut the main gate. When he hit the gate at a full gallop, his head came
back into my head, broke my glasses, and gave me an opportunity to go to town and get my eyebrow stitched up. Both examples left an indelible
understanding of space and location in my mind. I can take you to the rock my Uncle later pointed out, or show you exactly where the gate was,
which someone had closed after I took the horse out for a ride on the farm.
infinite grid