... II. The Framework ...
Geology is all about time and space (see Figure 21). Rocks take up space. Rocks got to the
place where they take up space at some time. Rocks are volcanic, stratigraphic, or metamorphic. Volcanic rocks are formed
when magma from deep within the earth reaches shallow enough levels, or is erupted at a volcano, cooling to form rocks like
obsidian (volcanic glass), lava flows, or a pluton. Stratigraphic rocks are derived from erosion or the biogenic growth of reefs,
and are typically laid down in layers, with rocks getting younger the shallower the layers. Metamorphic rocks are volcanic or
stratigraphic rocks which have been buried and changed when placed under tremendous temperature and pressure.

Figure 21. St. Thomas, St. John, Tortola and Virgin Gorda are the four main islands (front to back)
of this east-looking view of the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, along the northeast perimeter of the Caribbean Sea. For this view, a nearly
cloud-free Landsat image was draped over elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), and shading derived from
the SRTM data was added to enhance the topographic expression.2.41
infinite grid