... II. The Framework ...

values paradoxes

Now remembering from this last calculation, that we were looking for just one model protein, the result of the calculation means that there is only one chance in 10390 tries of finding our model protein. Just for a moment, however, pretend that there were 100, or 102 model proteins that we were looking for. In that instance we would have 102 chances out of 10390 tries to find our model. This would be the same 102/10390 = 1/10388, or one chance out of 10388 tries.

But we saw from the first calculation that observed life actually existed in 1.8 x 1012 different proteins. We may, therefore, consider them as the model proteins that we are looking for. Under those circumstances we would have 1.8 x 1012 chances out of 10390 tries to find any one of our known proteins of life. Mathematically that can be represented as: (1.8 x 1012)/10390 = 1.8/10378 or, for all intents when considering such large numbers, 1/10378.

What this is saying is that there is only one chance in 10378 tries to have random processes which would generate a single life producing protein from the available pool of 1.8 x 1012 proteins. This compares with the calculation of Bradley and Thaxton referred to on page 58 where, with a model protein of 100 amino acids, they calculated that for a single protein there would be one chance in 10191 tries to get it by random selection. 2.09 Since probability analysis is a key component of much of modern scientific thought, it seems a reasonable approach to use this same component for scientists to evaluate religious thought. However, the common tendency by those interested in religion is to use probabilistic analysis only to demonstrate life could not have occurred by chance, as shown above. A rational extension to this approach is for those of faith, who are mathematically inclined, to use these scientifically accepted processes as a basis for predicting and demonstrating the probability atoms, molecules, cells, organs, eyes, brains, life, minerals, geologic systems, weather patterns, planetary movement, astrophysical expansion, or other building block components of life were organized by an intelligent designer, rather than appearing randomly by chance.

Not being much of a mathematician, I will not attempt to prove God exists by probability analysis. However, given this framework introduction, the concepts behind probability theory will be scattered throughout the text. In addition, there are other mathematical constructs, like holography, which are a potential framework for integrating the science-religion matrix.

timedex infinite grid
