
Figure 09. Definition of Data with Mobile Bay Seismic Section, showing modern Mississippi River sediments deposited on older Illinoian sediments.
The religious equivalents to temporal data are histories (textural strings), life or event descriptions (animations), individual choices (vectors), family choices (ribbons), society or cultural choices (flows), and genealogies (time-lapse data). The analogies might not exactly fit. However, the key point is as the data are collected and evaluated, interpreted and correlated, individuals find there is a harmony and a unity across the science / religion matrix. Animating histories is the basis behind movies, television, and even some of the new virtual reality applications. The numerous examples of individual choices in scriptural records provide excellent teaching tools on what brings happiness and what brings unhappiness. In general, the scriptural direction is either good or bad, and the magnitude is related to the impact of those choices on others. It doesn't take rocket science to recognize the impact of the individual choices of one Jesus of Nazareth on the history of earth over the last 2,000+ years. We see on going family issues today, which were first described in The Holy Bible, as the relationships between Abraham's sons. It is reasonably easy to use these temporal data to illustrate the impact of individual and family choices on entire cultures. It is interesting how much the feelings are soothed when individuals, families, and cultures take the time to do some genealogical studies, and to recognize what has and what hasn't changed since their common ancestors, Abraham and Sarah, lived some 4,000 years ago.
Other types of temporal scientific data include velocity data, acceleration data, pressure data, and temperature data. These data types are attributes, and yet, in each case, their value is tied to knowing when the measurements were made, often because of the benefits from studying differences in the measurement across time.