... Appendix V: AAPG ...

values paradoxes

Appendix V: AAPG Reader's Forum
. . . December 2005 Walter H. Ziegler: The Debate (Continued)

Go on, AAPG EXPLORER, and lose your way as a publication medium of a serious scientific organization by giving house room to the sad debate between the obscurantists creationists/intelligent design backwoods folk and the enlightened forward thinking scientists whose insights daily unravel more of the majesty of natural evolution.

If the broad mass of American public really believes what the old fables teach, instead of listening to what enlightned science tells them, there is no way forward for them and they will rot in perpetual ignorance and seal their own fate. Ignorance and rejection of reality equals catastrophe.

Modern science may yet help to find a way to overcome the threatening energy shortages with the coming rundown of global oil resources and the consequent demise of the oil based global economy. Hoping, praying and "Waiting for Godot" will not!

Why not give the "Rundown of the Hydrocarbon Resource" proper house room! That would be a topic for urgent and proper debate. Or are you afraid to look reality in tghe eye, like your religious obscurantists?

Walter H. Ziegler
Chardonne, Switzerland

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timedex infinite grid
