... Appendix V: AAPG ...

values paradoxes

Appendix V: AAPG Reader's Forum
. . . October 2005 David Gallaher: Drill It

I am greatly disappointed in the trend toward questionable science and zealotry expressed in letters to the EXPLORER.

Creationism and God belong in chrches, not in AAPG journals. Instead we should be seeing discussions on how to best educate the public on evolution, to prevent blunders like the Kansas board of education. If the body of AAPG members cannot resolve nonsense like intelligent design/creationism and the difference between faith (believing without evidence of data) and theory (rigorous testing of ideas against observed data), then this organization is in serious trouble.

Like evolution, the data for global warming is overwhelming. If this data were a prospect, we would have drilled it years ago.

David Gallaher
Idaho Springs, Colo.

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timedex infinite grid
