... Appendix V: AAPG ...

values paradoxes

Appendix V: AAPG Reader's Forum
. . . September 2005 Bill Raatz: The Debate (Con't) D

Creationists argue that while evolution is a messy theory full of logical holes an missing links, creationism explains Earth history in a consistent and clear way straight from the mouth of God. A reading of the Bible proves otherwise. Biblical scholars have shown Genesis through Deuteronomy were written by a number of authors over a considerable span of time ...

I suggest these variations and contradictions, as obvious to the ancient editors as the modern reader, illustrate the Bible was never intended to be a history book or a scientific reference, but rather a guide to morality and an attempt to explain what it means to be human, written within a sophisticated literary culture fully capable of employing complex and non-literal stylistic devices.

A June 2005 Harris Poll reveals 55 percent of Americans feel creationism should be taught in our public schools. To those wishing public schools to teach the Biblical version of Earth history, my question is: Which one?

Bil Raatz

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