... Appendix V: AAPG ...

values paradoxes

Appendix V: AAPG Reader's Forum
. . . June 2005 Alfred James: The Debate Continues C

In the evolution debate, as nfortunately in so many issues today, the extremists are making all the noise, but with little substance. Certainly this is the case here in Kansas, where the state Board of Education is about to remove evolution from science standards. The words "conservative" and "liberal" are being so abused as to affix labels and avoid substantive discussion. To read such in the EXPLORER is an embarrassment. These are political words; shame on any scientist who stoops so low.

The issue is one of preserving the teachingof science without the imposition of either religion or the abuse of science as a godless philosophy, neither of which have anything to do with science. The primary issue is the Constitution, and to this point the courts have steadfastly defended it as to this issue.

It needs our defence as well.

Alfred James
Wichita, Kan.

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