... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes
Like Paul, although without the face-to-face calling from the Lord Paul had, this book is a call to unbelieving scientists to recognize and acknowledge "THE UNKNOWN GOD." In other words, "Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you." Scanning electron microscopes enable us to better see the details3.176 of His miraculous design, the banding patterns in DNA allows scientists to accurately classify the life3.176 He created, and advanced techniques like polymerase chain reaction (PRC) provides an iterative copying procedure, a process of reading the nucleotides making up the DNA so very small and very old specimens of life,3.176 which I testify He created, can be sequenced.3.176 And yes, for scientists to humble ourselves enough to pray to God such that we recognize when we have had our prayers answered, and so as to acknowledge our prayers have been answered can be a challenge. Sometimes it puts us in contact with folks who have closed minds, and who attack the results of our life's work. Often these attacks are based on superstition and tradition and personal interpretations of 20 verses from The Old Testament.

For instance, consider the following review of a book named: "The Bible: Biblical Classification of Life: A Framework and Reference for Authentic Biblical Biology" written by Chad Berndt:3.177

"Berndt's principal goal is to set up classification criteria that allow "Christian teachers and biologists who believe in the biblical Creation to fully integrate their study within this biblical framework" (p. 11) and in contrast to "Modern Taxonomy". Derived from the 6 days of Creation in Genesis 1, Berndt's classification is based on "Life Mode" (vegetation, creatures, humans), "Habitat" (terrestrial, aquatic, avian), "Distinction" (herbaceous and woody plants, insects and birds, and creeping, hoofed, and unhoofed beasts), and "Kind" (plants of the field and of the forest, aquatic beasts with lungs, scales and fins, and no fins, and so on). Humans, of course, are a unique "kind." The relationships among organisms that Berndt wishes to illustrate in his classification is God's creative plan (p. 123-31).

First, Berndt tells us that "Taxonomy" is in "opposition to biblical classification"
(p. 11), a point he later expands by pointing out biology's "atheistic, naturalistic,
and thus evolutionary belief system and agenda" (p. 14).
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