... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes
CULTUREHindu Gods3.26 Mayan God3.27 Roman Gods3.29
Time Frame550 BC - Present 550 BC - 900 AD3.28 509 BC - 476 AD

Supreme God
Bruhma: the son of the supreme being. Tepeu: one of Creators, Makers, and Forefathers. Jupiter: father of the gods.

Secondary God
Shiva: god of creation, destruction, with third eye. Gucumatz: Quetzalcoatl, snake god and creator. Mars: god of war.

Tertiary God
Vishnu: preservation of the Divine Order. Huracan: Storm & fire god, one of creator deities. Vulcan: god of fire and iron.

Others 04
Matsya: fish 1st avatara, or god coming to earth. Hanahpu: one of the Maya hero twins. Juno: wife of Jupiter.

Others 05
Kurma: tortus avatara get treasures lost in flood. Ixbalanque: one of the Maya hero twins. Venus: goddess of love.

Others 06
Vataha: boar avatara, to save earth from a demon. Ixchel: Aged jaguar midwifery goddess. Apollo: god of sun, music and arts.

Others 07
Narasimha: man-lion avatara, to destroy demon. Ixtab: goddess of suicide. Ceres: god of agriculture.

Others 08
Vamana: dwarf avatara, first human, equilibrium. Bacab: aged thunder deity carrying earth, sky. Mercury: messenger of the gods.

Others 09
Parasurama: Avatar Rama, helps priestly caste. Chaac: god of rain and thunder. Minerva: goddess of wisdom, arts, light in war.

Others 10
Rama: brought musical language to write history. Camazotz: bat god, ties to kill Hero Twins. Diana: moon goddess.

Others 11
Buddah: theories lead enemies to false paths. Hobnil: bacab of east, assigned red & Kan years. Liber: or Bacchus or Saturn, god of wine.

Others 12
Kalki: on white stallion, holding flaming sword. Can Tzicnal: bacab of north, white, Muluc years. Neptune: god of the sea.

Others 13
Jagannatha: lord of the world. Zac Cimi: bacab of the west, black and Ix years. Vesta: god of family life.

Others 14
Kama: the god of love. Hozanek: south bacab, yellow and Cauac years. Sol: god of the sun.

Others 15
Gauranga: one with the light complexion. Ah Puch: god of death. Pluto: god of the underworld.

Others 16
Krishna: Avatara of the black or dark one. Zipacna: underworld demon. Hercules: god of strength.
Table 3c. The Gods of Mankind. (Note background colors correlate across cultures.)
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