... II. The Framework ...

values paradoxes

It makes senses to accept a scientific theory because it works. Similarly it makes sense for scientists to open their minds to the value religion brings to lives, because religion works too. This fact is well illustrated by the impact of music in our daily lives. Music is the final way this framework section will describe time and space.

When growing up the author’s mother would play the piano, or play records of Roger & Hammerstein musicals. These were good times. When the author was in 5th Grade, Elvis Presley was the rage. And so guitar lessons were started from Eddie Carlocker, in his little music shop on Main Street in Cedar City next to Jolly’s Ranchware. Eddie Carlocker would point to the notes, and expect those notes to be picked on the guitar strings. It worked fine, until he fell asleep, and kept pointing at the same note. Music does not exist in space when there is no time. Imagine listening to your favorite music and then time stopping. When time stops, the music stops.

Music is one of those parts of human life which provides a glimpse of the eternal. It might be the music of a bird singing in them morning. It might be the music of a child playing. It might be music on the radio or television. It might be a pop concert, an orchestra, or even a choir like The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Music, by its very existence teaches listeners about the relationship of time and space. We miss our favorite song when it is over. We revel in the sound waves and can become overcome with emotion when our favorite song is being played. We can be lifted to a higher spiritual level by good music. We can be dragged down to the gutter by bad music. Music resonates with our bodies on many more levels than just the ear drums.

The vibrations that form music teach us of the vibrations of sounds, which transport music from its source to our ears. We actually feel the low frequency vibrations as they shake our surroundings. We find our fingers or feet tapping or our whole body swaying and responding to the beat of music. We believe that the ultra high frequency vibrations which transmit radio signals and cell phone conversations can give us a headache, or even cause cancer. Music teaches us about science on many levels.

However, the real power of music across the ages has been to teach us about the spiritual, as well as about the opposite of spiritual, in other words, those things and processes which are base and the degrading. Nature creates music, from waves on the sea shore to cows mooing in the meadow to a meadowlark singing to bring out the sun. Music has a way of being written into our bodies. Music has a way of bringing back memories and emotions. Music sooths us, calms our anger, and heals our deepest hurts. Music has a way of catching and keeping our attention. Music has a way of teaching us of eternal truths we would have missed by not listening. Music has a way of changing how a whole generation thinks, and what this generation thinks about.

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