... I. The Matrix ...

values paradoxes
TABLE 1. Individuals who made a difference,
their Religious Background and the difference they made:
Years Name Religion Known For
0-32 Jesus of Nazareth Jewish Life, example, teachings, impacted history
971-1030 Mahmud of Ghazna Islam Ghazis warrior of an expansionist Islam, patron of scientists and poets
127-1087 William the Conqueror Catholic Pioneered state bureaucracy for Europe
1138-1193 Saladin Auuib Sunni Islam Fought crusaders, demonstrated diplomatic administrator exercising human justice
1147-1199 Yoritomo Shinto Shogun or barbarian-subduing general, defeated Japanese Emperor at Kyoto
1167-1227 Ghenghis Khan Mongol Absobed the technology of conquered cultures into a war of conquest
1182-1226 Francis of Assisi Catholic Friars Changed regard for outcasts, lepers, poor
1267-1337 Giotto Catholic Painted bible stories and tales of saints on Italy's cathedral walls
1328-1398 Zhu Yuanzhang Warlord As first Emperor of China's Ming dynasty, decreed demographic concentration
1395-1468 Jhann Gutenberg Catholic Printing Press
1412-1431 Joan of Arc Catholic Defeated English at Orleans
1451-1506 C. Columbus Catholic Discovered Americas
1452-1519 Leonardo di Vinci Catholic Artist, inventor, scientist, pathologist, aeronautical engineer, military engineer
1483-1520 Raphael Catholic Painter
1473-1543 Copernicus Catholic Heliocentric universe
1475-1564 Michelangelo Catholic Artist, sculptor
1483-1546 Martin Luther Catholic 95 Theses of Papal excess - Luthern
1533-1603 Queen ElizabethI Church England United the British Isles
1564-1616 Wm Shakespeare Church England Defined humanity with stories and verse
1564-1642 Galileo Galilei Catholic Mathematician, astronomer, physics laws
1642-1727 Isaac Newton Church of England Defined laws of motion and a predictable and rational clockwork creation
1706-1790 Benjamin Franklin Puritan Invented lightening rod, Franklin Stove, bifocal lens, printer, publisher, politician
1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Naturalist, lawyer, educator, musician, architect, geographer, inventor, politician
1770-1827 L. van Beethoven Catholic Composer
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