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Hello Everyone,
    Well it's been a while but I'm back in the saddle again.  I have been very busy yet there is no excuse to lack in writing your history.  So much has happened.  Although I am much more happy, I am saddened at times about my dear mother.  The Lord has helped me to have greater understanding.  Looking back at what I have experienced it was and still is a great milestone in my life.  A great and wonderful learning experience.  I sit and think at times if I could go back and change something what would it be.  However, I have found nothing in my life that I would change for it has made me what I am.  I have grown spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.  I enjoy my life and all it has to offer.
    We are now moved in with my Dad.  It is a struggle and a blessing all in one.  We all enjoy the company but with any family we have our downtimes.  We may not be here for very long.  Heather and I may be moving into Cedar City while she attends school there.  I don't know how long we will be there or how long she has there, and then I think we will be moving up north for Heather to go to the UofU.  Then it is my turn.  Where I will go and what I will major in I don't know.  I'm thinking a long the lines of Business Management.  I have a few ideas for some businesses, so maybe by then they will be started.  I am in the works and doing research for them right now.
    We now have passes at Life Phase Fitness Center, where I go to "buff"up after a long hard day.  I have been busy with all that I have going on that I don't make it there on a daily basis.
    Some good news.  I am now part owner in the company I have been working with for the past 4-5 months.  It too is a great learning experience.  There is much for me to learn yet a lot that I have been able to bring to the table.  It is nice to finally be in a position where my raw talents and ideas can be harvested and put to good use.  At this time we promote satellite, cellular, paging, home theatre, and car audio.  Here is the structure.
Store Manager (ME)
Asst. Manager
Sales Manager, Human Resources, Technical Support, Marketing and Sales
    I am also a board member and Secretary of the board.  I enjoy it.  It is a lot of responsibility and this probably surprises some of you that know me, and how responsible I use to be.  But, it has been a wonderful experience for me and I have loved it from the start.  I started on as a salesman.  After a 3 weeks or so I was promoted to inside sales manager.  About a month after that I was made office manager.  Then a month 1/2 later I was brought on as a partner.  Then when we re-structered the board and duties I was made store manager.
    We now have passes at Life Phase Fitness Center, where I go to "buff"up after a long hard day.  I have been busy with all that I have going on that I don't make it there on a daily basis.
    Monday was work as usual.  Then we had family home evening.  It was a great one.  I enjoy the family we partnered up with to do family home evening with.  It is interesting where our thoughts and ideas lead.  One of thier parents has lung cancer and is told she has only a few months to live.  She has never touched a cigarette in her life.  She was in the Stake Primary Presidency with my mom.  We are like family and share our thoughts on life after death and so on.  It is a great experience.
    Tuesday was a difficult day.  One of my accounts that I have been working with is expanding globally.  It has been a struggle trying to get service online in other countrys.  I need to learn some languages other than english.  I missed Elder's Chorum Presidency to go to Fire training.  We will be burning down a house here in a few days to do a live fire training.
    Wednesday was more of the usual.  Work, work, work.  Is it really work if you enjoy it?  I had so much fun I can't remember Wednesday.
    Thursday I took the day off to do some things on my honey do list.  Then I went to St. George to meet a friend for lunch.  I forgot how big the hamburgers were at Chili's.  I shopped for clothes and powertools while I was down there.  When I got home Heather said "More toys?"  I said "They're not toys!"  Although all I bought them for was to play with.  I returned back in time to pick Heather up from her workout.  We went to the office and watched a DVD until my board meeting.
    Friday morning I woke up sick to my stomach.  I didn't go into the office until 2:00 worked until 6:00 and went home and Heather and I watched movies for our date night.
    Saturday I slept in and forgot about the Breakfast with Senator Hatch as the speaker.  Instead I went to brunch with Dan.  I went into the office and worked for a while.  I still wasn't feeling good so I went home and watched more movies in bed.
    Sunday I still did not feel good so I slept a good share of the day.  My mom's best friend came up from St. George.  We sat around telling stories and then went to the grave to put some flowers on my mom's grave.  Colleen, (my mom's friend) made a heart shaped wreath with flowers that looked beautiful.  Then I decided to check my email and catch up on all of my personal email.  After a few I decided to write my update that I have put off for a while.  Which reminds me that I need to write in my journal.
Nathan W. Pace