Hello Everyone,

What a wonderful feeling love is. Today, I have experienced overwhelming joy and happiness that I cannot describe in words. I am so glad to have the greater understanding that the scriptures and gospel provide me with. Without it I do not know how I could deal with all that has happened in my life.

For those of you that get the local Newspaper for St. George you might have seen the article on the front page about my mother. For those of you who do not you can read it online at the following links. http://thespectrum.com/cgi-bin/altopen.pl?section=Top


If neither of these links works, you can wait for the next email that will have this story and my mother's obituary. What a legacy she has left us kids to continue building.

I am on cloud nine. I have conquered one of my greatest fears. Let me bring you up to speed to tell you a story. When I was eight, my mother divorced my biological father. For a little time, my brothers and I spent time with him and his new wife. Up a letter to had been written to my mother stating that he no longer wanted to be our father and no longer wanted us to be his children. At age eight I did not understand this and went to talk to him. After a small chat he told me he meant what he said, he turned to me, looked at me square in the eyes and said "I am not your father, and you are not my son." I had a difficult time dealing with this. That is why I was so glad when my mother met and married my father Boyd, whom I am very proud to call "My Father." Dad adopted us and that's when I took on the name Pace. So in 13 years, my mother's first husband has resided in St. George where he has worked as a security guard. For 13 years I have seen him many times and we have even bumped into each other. I said "excuse me" very politely and he did not speak a word. Now that I have brought you up to speed here is the story.

We are at the Viewing Tuesday night. The line was nonstop for three straight hours. Somewhere in this time I see my biological father down the line a way. My heart sank, and I felt sick to my stomach. I did not know what to do. What do you say to a person after 13 years of not speaking? My first instincts were, RUN! After thinking it over I decided that I was going to face this fear. Which was one of my greatest fears. My mind ran blank. He finally reached me. The conversation went something like this.

I put out my hand and said; "Hi how are you?" He replied, "Fine and you?" I said; "Great! I couldn't have asked for a better life." He asked; "so everything has worked out for the best then?" I immediately said; "Yes, I couldn't ask for more." He said; "You had a wonderful mother." I said; "I know, and I still do!" He nodded his head. I introduced Heather as my wife. At this time there was a little chit chat but I don't remember what was said. He then proceeded to my sister and on down the line. I was not sure what to think or how to feel from that moment on. Other than, I was proud of myself.

I don't wish him any ill or bad luck. I think that he regrets living the life that he has. And that is good. I hope he has changed his life for the better. This has been a great time for me to reflect my life and what I have done with it. I am grateful for what trials and blessings that the Lord has given me. I look back on all the growth that I have been able to have from them.

For those of you who have inquired I will be making a tape and hopefully a CD of different songs I have composed. It may take some time as I do not have the funds to back up the project at this time. Thank you to all of those who traveled to be with us today. That meant a lot to me and us as a family. Thank you for the wonderful support. It was needed and well appreciated.

Best Regards,

Nathan W. Pace