Members of the Nottingham Country Ward

Missionary Testimony:

November 26, 1995

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to address you this day. I hope that this will touch your hearts and that through the spirit of the Lord you may feel and understand the words which I will write. I want you to know that God lives, that He is your Father. I want you to know of His love for you as an individual. He knows you by name. He knows your thoughts, your works, and your needs. He knows your weaknesses, and He loves you despite those weaknesses. Because of His love for you He sent His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Through Him you can be forgiven of your sins. No matter who you are, no matter what you have done, despite the mistakes you've made and the sins you've committed. He loves you and His only desire is that you come unto Him. Repent, and be healed by His perfect love.

I know that the fullness of His gospel is on the earth today and it is only through His gospel that you can reach your fullest potential. The spirit has witnessed to me that that gospel is contained within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Christ leads His church today through a modern day prophet and apostles. My invitation to you is to humble yourself, and ask the Lord in prayer whether or not these things are true. Seek Him diligently, and He will lead you to His truth, through the power of The Holy Ghost. If you ask, you will receive. If you seek, you will find. the Lord awaits you with His arms outstretched, but you must come to Him. He will never force Himself upon you.

Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior, who suffered pains for you which are beyond human understanding, lives and He loves you. These truths I proclaim in the name of our Savior and our friend, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Elder David Warner Allen

Members of the Nottingham Country Ward,
Katy Texas Stake,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Copyright © 1995 Walden 3-D, Inc.

Last Update: 02 January 1998