Dear Stake Employment Specialists,     Following are some concerns we have which we hope you can help us resolve:          1) Salt Lake City's Performance Indicator Report shows that our volunteer hours are up (thank you) but our placements are half as many as last year for this time period.  We feel that the problem is not that we are not getting the placements but that Ward Employment Specialists may not understand how to report.  Please share the following information with them:      When someone in the Ward who is working with the Ward Employment Specialist gets temporary work, part time work or begins school, it is a placement.  Then when that person gets another temporary position or a better position, it is counted as another placement.  If they go to college and get a job, it is counted as 2 placements.  If a visiting teacher, home teacher or someone else helps them get into a job, it is still a placement.  It does not have to be a position suggested to them by the Ward Employment Specialist.       2) The site needs to have more positions available for the Houston area.  This can be greatly improved if Ward Employment Specialists would become familiar with those in their ward, what companies they work for, and encourage their ward members to let them know when positions  become available within their companies. Then the Ward Specialist can  put the open positions on the ldsjobs hotline site so that other LDS members will have an opportunity to become aware of these positions.    3)  It seems feasible that many of those who use the commodities from the Bishops' Storehouse could use the Career Workshop training.  Therefore, the thought is that it may be of benefit to these people to have the Bishop ask them to take this twelve hour course as part of their responsibility to receive these food products. Other thoughts -    4)  As a Stake Employment Specialist, please know who your Ward Employment Specialists or other Priesthood Leaders in charge of employment are.  Be aware of the candidates with whom they are working and contact the Employment Specialist often about what is happening.  Our office would also appreciate being advised and updated when there is a change in Ward Employment Specialists.    5)  Because we have not yet seen great success  in getting very many Ward  Employment Specialists to our monthly meetings, it is very important that the Stake Employment Specialists keep in close contact with the Ward Employment Specialists so that they are aware of necessary information and training which they have missed.    6) As an Employment Specialist here at the Center, I will try to keep in better touch with you to see what is happening in the wards in your Stake.    7) Reminder, the Monthly Placement Reports are due by the 5th of each month to be sent to Alex LaMar or Steve Stotts.    8)  The monthly training meeting will be held at the LDS Employment Center on Thursday, March 11.  Stake leaders' meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting for Ward Employment Specialists begins at 7:00 p.m.  Please contact those over whom you preside and make sure they are aware of this meeting and encourage them to attend.   Thank you for all you do to magnify your calling.                                                                                                               Sincerely,  Sister Growcock Dream of owning a home? Find out how in the First-time Home