RE: WARD EMPLOYMENT SURVEY It has been at least a year since the last employment survey was conducted. With the many changes in members and employment status it is timely to conduct another survey. Probably the best method for collecting this data is to pass a copy of a form (see attachment) to each of the adult quorums, and to the Relief Society. One of the best ways the church can help members find jobs is through networking contacts. 35% to 80% (Depending upon who is making the estimate) of jobs are found through networking. A necessary element in successful networking is to know whom to network with. Usually this will be someone in the field of employment being searched, or someone who works for a targeted company... This leads to the requirement of knowing where our members are employed and what kind of job they have. In short we need a current employment survey. This information should be helpful at the ward level, and we will appreciate receiving a copy at the stake level. The prior surveys were invaluable in soliciting employers for our recent job fair held in conjunction with the Epiphany Catholic Church. Please conduct an employment survey for your ward. A blank form is attached. If you have trouble accessing this attachment, let me know and I will get a copy to you by some other means. Thanks for your help. Ron Dozier Stake Employment Specialist Attachment