Attached is a summary report on employment matters in the Katy Stake. Over the past 13 months, 65 persons have been reported as needing employment assistance. Of this number, 37 have secured employment, leaving 28 still seeking jobs. Unfortunately, at least one person has been unemployed for at least one year. All wards except one have now completed an employment survey. This is invaluable in providing network contacts to those seeking jobs, and was likewise invaluable in securing employers for our recent job fair. Also, all ward except one now have employment specialists. The Houston Area LDS employment office now has a "Yahoogroups" web site up and running. Available jobs are posted frequently. All employment specialists are urged to monitor this site, and it is also available for priesthood and relief society leaders. Access can be gained by sending an e-mail message to: "" . Also, as members find out about available jobs, these should be posted on this web site. Ron Dozier Katy Stake Employment Specialist 281-589-8384