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Responselet 97xxa

Date: Tue Jul 1 13:20 CDT 1997

Dear Roice,

We do have the black pants, tie and pajamas. I'll try to get them in the mail this week. Mom has an appointment on Wed. to have the lump in her breast checked. She is predictably hysterical. I'll try to get down to go with her and if not, I'll be sure to get down some time this week. I saw her Sunday and gave her some more books and mail.

I'm sorry that you're having a hard time with the kids. If you want to send any of them to us for a visit I'll just be here for the rest of the summer. Des is gone for a week to Colorado for a Mathematica conference, but other than that we're here.

The Irish family left yesterday. It's pleasantly calm here today. Unfortunately Richard was hit on Main Street on Friday and the van was demolished. A truck made a bad left turn and was cited, but he doesn't have insurance, the van was on my credit card from Brudget Rental and we are looking at an incredible hassle. Noone was hurt which is amazing. There were six in the van, including Des' brothers Richard and Kieran, Des and Brian, and two of Richard's children. It does give one pause as you watch your child strapped on a stretcher for a ride to the hospital in the ambulance for a check. The main thing is that everyone is alright. I imagine our car insurance will go out of sight and we're looking at $500 minimum and probably more before it's all over. Fortunately I left plenty of room between the van and my car. I was followiing with Des' mother and sister-in-law. We were able to pull over and deal with the kids and the mess, but we're all still shook up.

They got Dad's bathroom fixed and found that water was leaking in the pink bathroom also so it's being torn out to be fixed and replaced. That will take most of Des' week. I've got Susan's daughter (Ted's daughter) Jessica staying there at night so it's not empty. Mom would have a cow, so don't mention it to her. It's not good to have it empty. She was quite passive on Sunday and said she hurt a lot. I feel sorry for her even if she's brought a lot of it on herself.

I hope the week gets better for you.


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Copyright © 1997 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.