This application must be accompanied by 6 slides or 6 photos of your art work and a letter of recommendation from your art instructor. The letter must include the name of the school or studio at which your instructor teaches. SLIDES AND PHOTOS WILL NOT BE RETURNED. DO NOT SEND ANY SLIDES OR PHOTOS YOU WISH TO KEEP. Your work must fit within the guidelines as spelled out in the Rules and Procedures on the attached page. FAILURE TO FOLLOW GUIDELINES WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION. You may attach additional pages if needed to complete your answers. The signed Release Form must accompany your application. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 1, 2000. THOSE RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.
Name______________________ Telephone (___) ___-____ Address_________________________
City_________________ State___ Zip______ Male_ Female_ Date of Birth________________
Marital Status: S_ M_ D_ W_ U.S. Citizen_ Are you employed?__
Name of Employer___________________ Employer's Address______________________________
Your annual income____________ School or University you are now attending___________
Other schools or places where you have studied art, or, aside from formal classes,
any professional artists with whom you have studied_________________________________
When did you first become interested in art, and how long have you been studying?___
What style would best describe your artwork?________________________________________
What medium do you use most often?_______ What subject matter do you prefer?________
Are you planning or presently engaged in an art career?__ Describe your goals_______
Is your work shown in galleries?__ If so, which ones and where?_____________________
Do you participate in art competitions?__ If so, what awards or acceptances have
you won?____________________________________________________________________________
Does your artwork fit within the guidelines described in the rules for receiving
this scholarship?_________ Explain_________________________________________________
Who are your favorite artists, living or dead, and why?____________________________
Have you ever visited the art museums in Europe?__ If so, which ones?______________
If chosen, do you agree, while in Italy, to abide by the Foundation's prescribed
course of study and specified museum tours, as part of the scholarship
requirements?______________ If chosen to receive this award, would you be able to
travel within the prescribed time frame?___ If chosen to receive this scholarship,
do you agree to (a) give the Foundation a written report and photographs detailing
all aspects of your travel and study, including itemization of expenses? (Y/N)_____
and donate a piece of your own artwork to be used to generate futher funding for
scholarships? (Y/N)__________
In your own words, explain why you think this scholarship would enhance your art
studies or goals and help you become a better artist:
I swear the information I have provided and the answers I have given within this
application are true and that, if chosen, I will honor the stipulations as herein
outlined by the Lajos Markos Art Foundation.
________________________________ _________________________
Applicant's Signature Date
I, ___________________, the undersigned, of _______________________________________
Name Street Address
City County State Zip
do voluntarily and knowlingly execute this release with the express intention of
effecting the extinguishment of obligations as designated herein.
I, the undersigned, with the intention of binding myself, my heirs, executors,
administrators, and assigns, do hereby expressly release and discharge the LAJOS
MARKOS ART FOUNDATION, its administrators, individual board members, and employees
from all claims, demands, actions, judgments, and executions which might arise as
a result of any loss of property, real or personal, by me, including accidental
death or injury, caused by or arising out of any sequence of events occuring
during the course of travel and/or related activities as set forth by the
scholarship winnings.
I, the undersigned, have read this release and understand all of its terms. I
execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.
________________________________ _________________________
Signature Date
Applications must be postmarked by March 1 in order to be considered for that year's scholarship. Winner or winners will be notified on April 1 of each year. Application, Release Form, slides, photos, and Teacher's Letter of Recommeendation should be sent to:
Scholarship Committee
Lajos Markos Art Foundation
P.O. Box 262
Bellaire, TX 77402

Please send comments or questions to info@walden3d.com
Copyright © 2000 HGOL