. . . Dynamic Resources Corporation January News




NetWork Member





3:30PM Wednesday31Jan01Houston, TXRoicePersuasionSeeking InvestmentReference from John RisingerCarl Davies is a professional engineer and financial analyst whose recently written book on Pan Am 103 has just been released now that the Dutch trial is completed. He has raised millions of dollars and is interested in being a fund raiser for Dynamic.
Noon Wednesday31Jan01II&T's office
Houston, TX
Roice and Neal stood-up for lunch by John RisingerPowerPointSuppose to be Technical Due DiligenceTuesday's MeetingJohn was busy talking and did not make it to the front to meet Roice. Roice reviewed opportunity for:
  1. Office space next to II&T (
  2. The opportunity for the NetWork to work together to find and sell Prospects in Matagorda Island 485-487, and 520-518.
10:45AM Tuesday30Jan01La Madaline, Westheimer, Houston, TXRoice, Dick Coons,
Sam LeRoy
NotebooksTechnology Due Diligencehttp://www.earthview.comJohn Risinger met with Dick, Roice, and Sam to meet members of the NetWork, review technologies, and sign the Confidentiality Agreement with Parker and Roice giving him access to review Parker's Air Mag Leads and Prospects. Also provided a copy of Heloise's packet describing azmuthal anisotropy and hinting at her three Prospects. Very positive, to the point of discussing redirecting a planned US$3 million drilling fund. Requested a summary be sent to his partner in Melbourne, Graeme Menzies. Roice prepared materials Tuesday night and Wednesday morning (see http://www.walden3d.com/dynamic/menzies_graeme.html
8:00AM Monday29Jan01Residuum's Office, Salt Lake City, UTRoice, Bob
and Ed Gray
Multivariate Statistical AnalysisPowerPoint and Infinite GridSMhttp://www.walden3d.com/EReviewed last week's meetings, and various technologies. Believe we are on the same wavelength. Ed Gray came by and reviewed his plans and prospects in sand bodies deriving gas from Coal Bed Methane. Ed is working with Bountiful Electric to get them to put up cash for leases in exchange for a call on the gas. This is similar to the approach Enron has taken.
10:00AM Saturday27Jan01Washington, UTRoice and Ward AbbottOutcrop Analogs
digital camera
Digital photographs of a few outcrop analogs to the types of reservoir rocks expected to produce in the Gulf Coast AOIhttp://www.walden3d.com/AbbottRoice and Ward have been talking about creating this digital outcrop analog library since the late 1980's. Ward pulled a few examples of Parallel Deltas and Turbidites from California, Colorado, France, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. We agreed on Ward's consulting fee to Dynamic to put together a complete library of outcrop analogs to assist Dynamic's exploration program, including the split for selling the digital library to oil company partners.
1:00PM Friday26Jan01400E 700S, Applied Geophysics, Salt Lake City, UTRoice and Parker GayAir Mag
digital camera
Prospect Review and Documentationhttp://www.appliedgeophysics.comParker reviewed a series of Prospects derived from understanding basement faulting as derived from NewMagTM, an Applied Geophysics residual process. Many of these were documented, and a secure web site is being established for review by potential investors who have executed a Confidentiality Agreement. Parker and Roice executed a Confidentiality Agreement relative to these Leads and Prospects.
11:00AM Thursday25Jan01Houston, TXRoice and Richard NehringMS-WordPlanningDynamic/NRG AgreementRoice and Richard Nehring signed the Agreement, replacing the one executed with Dynamic Oil & Gas Corporation, which is being dissolved. Richard summarized his current thoughts about the first 8 new exploration Concepts he will be delivering to Dynamic:
  • Each Concept will cover 2 to 6 counties, except 1, which is formation specific from 500' to 2000' in the Permian.
  • 2 will be structural plays, 3 mixed, and 3 stratigraphic (1 erosional unconformity, 1 slope silty sandstones, and 1 carbonate bank mounds
  • 5 are Gulf Coast Gas Concepts, 1 oil + high GOR, and 2 high gravity Permian oil Concepts
  • Lower End of production is 100-200 BOE per well (1 BCF) in 7-9,000 foot wells. Upper end of field production within a Concept is 5-10 BCF (1-2 BOE).
  • Permian Basin Concepts are Silurian Age.
  • Offshore Louisina Concept is Miocene-Pliocene
  • Expects wells to be between 7-19,000 feet, with most being in the 10-15,000 foot range.
  • Majors were working some of these Concepts as late as 1980, and management did not want to pursue 1-5 BOE at hydrocarbon prices back then.
  • All of the Concepts are extensions of existing plays.
  • 1 could have CO2 or H2S
10:00AM Wednesday24Jan01Chroma Energy
13135 S. Dairy Ashford,
Sugar Land, TX
Richard Barren,
Peter Duncan,
Alf Klaviness,
Richard Nehring, and Roice
PowerPoint1st Montly Technical MeetingHyperEdge Expert Association MeetingsFirst technical meeting of the NetWork. Roice started with a summary of Dynamic's philosophy, projects, people, technology, and documentation plans. Peter Duncan and two colleagues at Chroma Energy described the Chroma pattern recognition tools, specifically as they relate to 3-D seismic. Lunch provided a time to get to know each other and have small break out groups. Richard Nehring described the Nehring Database right after lunch. Bob and Neal showed case histories of their work in Wyoming and Saskatchewan, demonstrating the power of Residuum Energy's software to clean data bases of 70,000+ wells, create structural compartment maps, create geohistory maps, and otherwise use multivariate statistical analysis. Sam went though his work with the DOE defining dynamic pressure fields (see http://os.pennnet.com/Articles/Article_Display.cfm?Section=Articles&SubSection=Display&ARTICLE_ID=90696&VERSION_NUM=1). Heloise described her work with azmuthal anisotrphy, and went into detail on prospects in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado (AMI008, AMI009, and AMI010). Dick reviewed his work with seeps, gas chimneys, fault shadows, and other seismic velocity problems. He went over AMI002 (North Padre Island AMI) and AMI003 (South Padre Island AMI). Alf summarized how good the meeting was, and refered to his project in Houston, Trinity, Walker County (AMI004). We set the next technical meeting of the NetWork for Friday, 23Feb01, at II&T (1221 Lamar, #1305, downtown Houston), from 10:00-2:00.

Confidentiality Agreements were signed with Richard Barren and Alf Klaveness.
Wednesday24Jan01Austin, TXRoiceLegalRenamingArticle 1302-701, Texas Miscellaneous Corporation Laws ActDynamic Resources, Inc. renamed to Dynamic Resources Corporation
7:00PM Tuesday23Jan01Houston, TXDave Agarwal +1,
Albert Boulanger,
Dick Coons+1,
Les Dehnam+1,
Bob +1, Sam +1, Heloise,
Mike McCardle +1,
Richard Nehring, Roice +3, and
Blaine Taylor +1
Dutch Ovens and GrillSocializeRoice's YouthSteak, Fish, potatoes, salads, mushrooms, Dutch Oven Cobbler, and discussions with spouses and friends about where Dynamic Resources Corporation is headed.

Confidentiality Agreements were signed with II&T (Dave, Les, and Bob Horner), Albert, Dick, Sam, and Residuum (Mike Dropkin, Bob, and Neal),
2:00PM Tuesday23Jan01Houston, TXRoice, Bob,
Richard Nehring, Sam.
Neal Broussard,
and Heloise Lynn
PersuasionSeeking InvestmentReference from Joe RobertsMet with Radivoj Drecun and Bee Bednar of Advanced Data Solutions. They are building Beowulf Lynox configurations of PC's and have depth conversion and other seismic processing and modeling software which takes advantage of the configurations. They are interested in algorithms which will run parallel. Radivoj is not interested in investing in "a group of consultants." Joe Roberts reported on Wednesday, the 31st, that Radivoj and Bee have been too busy to sit down and talk about the opportunity following the visit.
11:00AM Tuesday23Jan01Houston, TXRoice, Bob,
Richard Nehring, and Sam LeRoy
PersuasionSeeking InvestmentFrank Hamtak ReferenceMet with Caroll Richey and Larry Rearden who are exploring for Yegua Sands in South Texas. Interested in technology and concepts, have three successful wells, and have quite a few prospects and leads in inventory. Cash is tight, and they are interested in our approach.
9:00AM Tuesday23Jan01Houston, TXRoice, Bob Ehrlich, and Richard NehringPersuasionSeeking InvestmentBob Davies ReferenceMet with Sam Judge and his team who are exploring for low resitivity gas in the onshore Gulf of Mexico. Interested in technology and concepts, need to have a successful well before divert any funds other directions.
1:30PM Friday19Jan01Houston, TXRoice and Parker GayAir MagSelling Data and Basement Fault ConceptsApplied GeophysicsIntroduced John Risinger to the power of residual air mag data as a means of mapping basement controlled faulting.
10:00AM Friday19Jan01Houston, TXRoicePersuasionSeeking InvestmentEd Rogers ReferenceMet with Bob Remey about Gulf Coast AOI Investment
Thursday18Jan01Katy, TXRoicePersuasionSeeking InvestmentChristian Singfield ReferenceSpent the afternoon with John Risinger who represents a Melbourne investment group looking at Christian Singfield's core and cutting imaging technology. There is great interest in Dynamic.
Wednesday17Jan01Houston, TXRoicePersuasionSeeking Operations PartnerPast Work with Texas Independent ExplorationSpent hour with Rick Zimmerman, President of TIE, and he is not interested in a large consortium. Too many pepople, and too much effort to manage and herd cats.
Tuesday16Jan01Austin, TXH. Roice Nelson, Jr. (Roice)LegalFormationArticle 1302-701, Texas Miscellaneous Corporation Laws ActDynamic Resources, Inc. formed, replacing Dynamic Oil & Gas Corporation

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For further information contact:

Dynamic Resources Corporation, P.O. Box 382, Barker, TX 77413-0382
- 281.579.0172 - facsimile: 281.579.2141 - cell: 713.542.2207 -
- URL: http://www.walden3d.com/dynamic - e-mail: dynamic@walden3d.com -