. . . Albert Boulanger, 10 February 2001

. . .
From aboulang@ldeo.columbia.edu Sat Feb 10 12:35:29 2001
Delivered-To: rnelson@walden3d.com
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 13:42:28 -0500 (EST)
From: albert boulanger
To: rnelson@walden3d.com
CC: BENTZ@bentz-engineering.com, leee@neosoft.com, mroulston@pdq.net,
Subject: Re: Thoughts
X-Status: $$$$
X-UID: 0000001319
- Lotus Notes or equivalent NetWork database allowing whiteboarding,
replicatable, shareable database for shared e-mail, MS/Word, MS/Excel,
images, Applications from various NetWork members, etc.
Instead of Lotus, I suggest we look at the emerging peer to peer
stuff. One system we (vPatch) have been looking at and have used is
Magi, (open source version available). The arey coming out with a
workflow system. In essence, a P2P client is both a server and a client
and I think is a good match for our virtual distributed
activities. Magi allows the synchonization and distribution of
content. It also pushes content to wireless. Check out
www.endtech.com. There you can download Magi Express. We are also in
discussion with Entropia, a start up that Roger's son is
with. Entropia is building a P2P computation system (like seti@home).
. . .

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