. . . Cedar Valley Water

Presentation Below was prepared on 19 Sep 2005

Note: The link to the left takes you to the page described on the right. Clicking on the image takes you to the next page. Clicking on the description at the top returns you to this index page. The top blue bar goes to a process map called the Knowledge BackboneSM, and the bottom blue bar goes to a mapping index called the Infinite GridSM.

· 01_Excel_SpreadSheet_TopAn Excel spread-sheet was made from data provided under contract with Sue Finstick of Bulloch Brothers Engineering, Inc. The purpose of this data collection was to build a geologic framework for studying nitrate movements in Cedar Valley aquifers.
· 02_Excel_SpreadSheet_MiddleThis capture of data further down in the spread-sheet shows how lithology, color, water, and cumulative thickness of water produced were set up.
· 03_Converting_Drilling_Reports_ot_MapsThe Excel spread-sheet required converting well locations tied to Section Boundaries to a regular X,Y grid. This digital photograph shows the X,Y grid which was drawn over sections taken from USGS Topographic Maps.
· 04_Spotfire_Map_Depth_DrilledSpotfire (see http://www.spotfire.com) is a commercial data visualization and data mining tool which reads data from spread-sheets or SQL databases. This display plots the X,Y locations for each well, and the square is colored according to the depth the well was drilled as shown on the scale in the bottom right corner.
· 05_Scaled_BasemapSpotfire has add-ons which can accomodate ESRI vector basemaps. Alternatively, a raster image can be made and placed in the background. This series of images shows a process known as The Infinite GridSM, to generate a map at the appropriate scale for bacground context. These maps were generated from Cornell's Digital Earth initiative.
· 06_IG_Map_Completed_DepthHere the water wells in Cedar Valley are colored and sized according to completed depth, as shown on the scale in the lower right corner.
· 07a_Thickness_WaterThis is the first of a series of 3-D displays, where the cumulative thickness of the Well Report identified water column are displayed. The size of the well-bore is increased proportional to the cumulative thickness of the water column.
· 07b_Thickness_WaterThis is the second of the 3-D displays, and if the displays are downloaded and stepped through rapidly the resulting animation provides a 3-Dimensional evaluation of the data. This can be done in real-time with the Spotfore software.
· 07c_Thickness_WaterThis is the third of the 3-D displays.
· 07d_Thickness_WaterThis is the fourth of the 3-D displays.
· 07e_Thickness_WaterThis is the fifth of the 3-D displays.
· 07f_Thickness_WaterThis is the sixth of the 3-D displays.
· 07g_Thickness_WaterThis is the seventh of the 3-D displays.
· 07h_Thickness_WaterThis is the eighth of the 3-D displays.
· 07i_Thickness_WaterThis is the nineth of the 3-D displays.
· 07j_Thickness_WaterThis is the tenth of the 3-D displays.
· 07k_Thickness_WaterThis is the eleventh of the 3-D displays.
· 07l_Thickness_WaterThis is the twelveth of the 3-D displays.
· 07m_Thickness_WaterThis is the thirteenth of the 3-D displays.
· 07n_Thickness_WaterThis is the fourteenth of the 3-D displays.
· 08_SN_Cross-Section.jpgThis is a North-to-South Cross-Section, where all of the wells in Cedar Valley are projected onto the Cross-Section.
· 08a_SN_Cross-Section_WestThis is the west quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a North-to-South Cross-Section.
· 08b_SN_Cross-Section_WestCentralThis is the west-central quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a North-to-South Cross-Section.
· 08c_SN_Cross-Section_East_CentralThis is the east-central quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a North-to-South Cross-Section.
· 08d_SN_Cross-Section_EastThis is the east quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a North-to-South Cross-Section.
· 09_EW_Cross-SectionThis is a West-to-East Cross Section, where all of the wells in Cedar Valley are projected onto the Cross-Section.
· 09a_EW_Cross-Section_SouthThis is the south quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a West-to-East Cross Section.
· 09b_EW_Cross-Section_South_CentralThis is the central-south quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a West-to-East Cross Section.
· 09c_EW_Cross-Section_North_CentralThis is the central-north quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a West-to-East Cross Section.
· 09d_EW_Cross-Section_NorthThis is the north quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a West-to-East Cross Section.
· 10a_EW_Cross-Section_North_largeThis is a window expansion of the north quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a West-to-East Cross Section.
· 10b_EW_Cross-Section_North_large_zoomThis is a zoom of the window expansion of the north quarter of the wells in Cedar Valley projected onto a West-to-East Cross Section.
· 10c_EW_Cross-Section_Northeast_ColorThis is the same cross-section showing how rock colors recorded on the Drilling Reports can be displayed on the well paths. The width of the well path is calculated as a composite of the lithologies.
· 10d_EW_Cross-Section_Northeast_ClayThis shows the West-to-East Cross-Section where the lithology is colored by where clay was noted on the Drilling Reports.
· 10e_EW_Cross-Section_Northeast_SiltThis shows the West-to-East Cross-Section where the lithology is colored by where silt was noted on the Drilling Reports.
· 10f_EW_Cross-Section_Northeast_SandThis shows the West-to-East Cross-Section where the lithology is colored by where sand was noted on the Drilling Reports.
· 10g_EW_Cross-Section_Northeast_GravelThis shows the West-to-East Cross-Section where the lithology is colored by where gravel was noted on the Drilling Reports.
· 10h_EW_Cross-Section_Northeast_CobblesThis shows the West-to-East Cross-Section where the lithology is colored by where cobbles were noted on the Drilling Reports.
· 10i_EW_Cross-Section_Northeast_BouldersThis shows the West-to-East Cross-Section where the lithology is colored by where boulders were noted on the Drilling Reports.
· 10j_EW_Cross-Section_Northeast_ConglomeratesThis shows the West-to-East Cross-Section where the lithology is colored by where conglomerates were noted on the Drilling Reports.

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/cedarcity/CedarValleyWater/index.html

Copyright © 2005 Walden 3-D, Inc.

Walden 3-D, Inc., P.O. Box 382, Barker, TX 77413-0382
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- URL: http://www.walden3d.com * e-mail: rnelson@walden3d.com
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