Advocates for Better Community Decisions and Equity

Mission: To develop and apply knowledge-based systems that enable, enhance and empower collective community-based decisions.

Core Ideas: Building effective and inclusive place-based democracy. Tying together support tools (simulation, gaming, information access, visualization, electronic polling, GIS) into systems at the local level.

Core Character: A matchmaker between suppliers and users of systems. A forum for broadening public understanding of system-supported practice. A trainer and enabler of community organizing and community decision support activities. A voice for identifying and addressing barriers (policy and market) to improving collective decisions.

Performance Measures: Rapid deployment and application of existing tools. Creation of learning systems for scoring the quality of decision-support systems. A virtual trade show for continuous exposure. Large scale access to and affordability of tools. Measurable improvement in the quality of decisions (inclusiveness, coverage, comprehensiveness).

Near Term Objectives: Use existing place-based initiatives as test-bed for expanded application. Create a learning network and a web site, staff to support it. Develop a "consumer's report" on the experience of users. Build relationships with competent analysts and tools developers to build better specs. Identify points of influence for expanded application (e.g., federal requirements for citizen participation, civic journalism initiatives). Identify existing community technology centers and engage. Analyze expanded sense of market (e.g., libraries for the future, community development networks, community organizer training centers, transportation reform networks).

Core Competencies: A network of practitioners (designers and user intermediary). Analytic capacity to understand. Communications capacity to explain. Market development capacity to address barriers.

Big Issues to Work Through: Distinctive contribution and niche. Balance between product sales and system development. How to handle tough public accountability issues. Balance between mainstream and change-oriented organizations. Common language and process for adopting. Resources and budgetary support. Competition for regional resource center prospect.

Next Steps: Form and empower a core committee. Set benchmarks and events. Get volunteers for key task (taxonomy, test bed sites, web site and learning network, resources, etc.).