Red Cove Knowledge BackboneSM

  1. Define Business:
    1. Understand Walden 3-D Design Process:
      1. Identify Need: Potential customer reviews a design problem with W3D, the project scope is defined and a contract negotiated.
      2. Collect Data: Data are collected as maps and database tables (interlocking matricies).
      3. Pattern Analysis: Data are processed to produce patterns and patterns of patterns, which are used to determine the invariant polynomials of data sets.
      4. Parameter Determination: Parameters necessary to build a computer version of the built form are determined automatically from the invariant polynomials and/or from experience.
      5. E-R Modeling: The patterns and parameters are used to assist building an enterprise plan and the related entity-relationship models.
      6. Visualization: The built form is simulated in 3-D using a scientific workstation and performance is optimized.
      7. Construction Drawings: If appropriate, the visualization drives robotic generation of subassemblies.
      8. Automatic Assembly: If appropriate, the visualization drives robotic generation of subassemblies.
      9. Built Form: The design is completely implemented. Operation and maintenance schedules are established.
    2. Identify Society Components:
      1. Provide Food:
        1. Farming
        2. Hydrophonics
        3. Fruit Trees
        4. Mammals: Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, etc.
        5. Poultry: Chickens, Turkeys, Doves, Pheasants, Quail, etc.
        6. Cooking
      2. Provide Lodging:
        1. Mining
        2. Logging
        3. Constuction
        4. Pottery
        5. Pets
      3. Provide Clothing:
        1. Weaving
        2. Sewing
      4. Provide Transportation:
        1. Distribution
        2. Rental Cars
      5. Provide Health Care:
        1. Check-Ups
        2. Nutrition
        3. Exercise
        4. Operations
        5. Artificial Body Components
        6. Transplanted Organs
      6. Provide Communications:
        1. Satellite
        2. Network
        3. Computers
      7. Provide Security:
        1. Controlled Access
        2. Protection against Fire, Storms, Water Damage, Earthquakes
        3. Pornography Filters
      8. Study Science:
        1. Physics
        2. Chemistry
        3. Geology
        4. Hydrology
        5. Geophysics
        6. Meterology
        7. Biology
        8. Antrhopology
        9. Archaeology
        10. Astrophysics
        11. Cosmology
      9. Religion
        1. Personal
        2. Philosophy
        3. Organized
    3. Define Community Participation Motivators:
      1. Meet Emotional Needs:
        1. Support Groups
        2. Emotional Training
      2. Expand Financial Base:
        1. Accounting Support
        2. Investment Clubs
      3. Expand Intellectual Capabilities:
        1. Library Resources
        2. Professional Societies
      4. Meet Psychological Needs:
        1. Counseling
        2. Meditation Centers
      5. Meet Social Needs:
        1. Community Dining
        2. Banquets
        3. Entertainment
      6. Meet Spiritual Needs:
        1. Prayer Groups
        2. Scripture Study Groups
    4. Identify Experts:
      1. Identify Local Community Experts
      2. Identify Local Professors
      3. Indentify Outside Professionals
  2. Develop Business Plan:
    1. Provide On-Line Information for Concept Review
    2. Prepare Community Product Business Plan
    3. Prepare Community Service Business Plan
    4. Prepare Community Bond Investment Description
    5. Prepare Community Replication Investment Proposal
  3. Raise Investment:
    1. Participants provide "In Kind" Products and Services
    2. Donations
    3. Investment in Community Products or Services
    4. Investment in Community Bonds
    5. Investment in Community Replication
  4. Hire Experts
  5. Create Red Cove

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All rights reserved. Published in The United States of America.
This page, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form with permission of the publisher.

For futher information or to send comments or questions contact: H. Roice Nelson, Jr. of Walden 3-D, Inc.
P.O. Box 382, Barker, Texas 77413-0382
Telephone: 281.579.0172 Facsimile: 281.579.2141 Cell: 713.542.2207
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