12 Nov 2004 #0411.html

A Short Update: Grant & Ella

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It has been awhile, hope you enjoy:

Grant's - Life has been very hectic and I have let more than 4 months slip by. Grant is now an expert at sleeping in a big bed, is mostly potty trained and has become a great big brother. It was quite an adjustment. Only a few times did he harm her (like squeeze her a little too hard for a hug and a kiss). Usually, it would happen if Ella's presence somehow unconvinced him.

Now, however, he is super and will even entertain her if I can't come get her right away. The other day when I was driving, I heard her giggle by herself. I asked Grant what she was looking at and it turns out that she was looking at him. So he kept talking to her and she kept giggling. It was very cute.

He seems so old now that we have a baby in the house. He's become very good at playing by himself in his room. The other day I heard him recite page for page a book we had gotten from the library just the week before. Sometimes he makes up his own stories and says little phrases like, ". . . and all the sudden . . ." He can hardly wait for the snow to fall so we can play in it.

His favorite thing to do these days is to build a tower out of Lego's, Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs or Marble toys. He tries to make it really big and then Paul or I come see it and say, "NO WAY!!!" One time Paul didn't say the right word and Grant was very sad. I said, "Grant what's wrong?" and He said, "Daddy didn't even say 'no way'. Of course, we quickly remedied that once I informed Paul of his humungous mistake.

Until recently, Grants' prayers have consisted of blessing 'all fun things and all not fun things'. Now he has started adding adjectives like, "please bless this wonderful food" and a few times he has even said, "bless us to have love in our hearts". (Which I'm sure he heard me say in a prayer at a very frustrating moment.) Well, that is all for this week.

Ella's - Well, today is Ella's 4 month mark and she is already into 12 month size clothing. It seems she is following in her brothers footsteps.

She is still an angel baby. In fact, Angel, has become one of her nicknames. She will find any excuse to laugh if she's in the mood. Sometimes, all I have to do is tickle her tummy to get a sweet little giggle. She's usually sleeps from 9:30pm till 9:00am with one or two cries for her pacifier at 1 or 2 and an eating at 5:00. She usually only cries with gas pain or when she's hungry and she will smile at almost anyone.

She will take a bottle (freedom) and loves her Daddy. I let her splash in her bath the other day. She was a little shy at first, but soon caught the gist of it and really started kicking her legs. She is such a sweet baby - a real blessing in our lives.



Kate, Paul, Grant and Ella

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Copyright © 2004 Kate Nelson

Comments to Webmaster: rnelson@walden3d.com.