15 Apr 2004 #0408.html

Sickness and Easter

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Here is our update on Grant. Enjoy!

Grant has been sick for the past few days - again! Poor little guy, I think this is cold #5 or #6 this winter season. In between sicknesses we went to visit my family in St. George and we celebrated Easter. It rained most of the time we were in St. George but Grant's spirits were not dampened because he got to play with his cousin Braxton. They asked about each other and spent a lot of time playing together. In fact, once when Braxton was coming in to Baba Debi's house, his parent told him to go show Grandma his new clothes and he insisted on showing Grant instead. They often greeted each other with hugs and really enjoyed chasing each other. Of course, there were several times when play turned into fight and I think Braxton often got the brunt of it. Poor Braxton - Grant is still sorting out his temper and he's so much bigger. Grant did learn one phrase from his cousin that is quite irritating, "Go away, Mommy". This phrase is often accompanied with a push and always happens when he is playing with his Daddy. I must admit that my feelings get a little hurt and so I make him say "sorry" and give me lovies. Paul makes him say, "It's always nice to see you, Mommy".

Easter was so fun this year. For family home evening we dyed eggs. Grant loved it. However, sometimes Paul would be working on one egg and not notice Grant reach into the carton, grab an egg and drop it into a cup. Unfortunately, several of our eggs got cracked before they were soaked in dye - thus the egg inside ended up colored as well. Paul and I didn't mind and even Grant had a couple bites. We did Easter bunny stuff on Saturday morning. Grant got a basket with a few presents and candy. I think his favorite toy was the inexpensive sand/water toys. After examining his basket he started hunting for eggs. At first he found several colored hard boiled eggs, but as soon as he found a plastic egg (filled with candy), the hard-boiled eggs were overlooked. He would break each egg into his basket before looking for anymore. After our egg hunt we took him to the church and he hunted again. They hunted in age groups and he was the first to find his 10 eggs out of all the other Nursery kids. While he was waiting for the others to return, he was content to eat all the candy in the eggs. Next, we drove over to Lori's house, woke her up and gave her an Easter basket. Grant has never been so cuddly with Lori as he was when she was holding her basket full of candy. Next we headed over to a park to let Grant play with his new sand toys. I'm not sure who enjoyed playing in the sand more, Grant or Paul. When it was time to go, Grant ran to the slide and then insisted on throwing rocks into the river. It was pretty windy and getting cold. Between all the candy and cold weather, it's really no wonder that Grant got sick that night.

Grant and I have been trapped indoors for the past 4 days and are driving each other crazy. Paul has been working on final projects and studying for final exams and has done his best to relieve us, but has had to be gone quite a bit. I was actually planning on potty training this week before Grant got so sick and got him a new little potty on Saturday. Yesterday he initiated it with a massive poop. Paul and I were so proud. In fact, Paul mentioned it to several people in his lab. During the whole poop extravaganza, Grant got a package from my sister Sara. It was another Easter basket. He downed that candy (until I put it up) and really liked the little shark, he calls it his 'baby Bruce'.

Another cute thing that Grant has picked up is to ask for a kiss in reverse psychology. So, sometimes Paul and I get impatient with Grant when he takes his sweet time to do something. Something that has proven helpful is to say, "Okay, no kisses for Mommy? I'm so sad." And he runs over to give us a kiss. When Grant asks for a kiss, he usually just yells, "Kiss, kiss" (when we are leaving him in bed for his nap). But, yesterday, Grant just said, "I guess I don't get any kisses, I'm so sad". I couldn't believe that he had already picked up on our tricks. He is a smart little boy. Well, that is all for today.


Kate, Paul and Grant

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Copyright © 2004 Kate Nelson

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