Geologic Age | IG2_55.22_AgesOfOceanFloor.gif | IG3_55.22_AgesOfOceanFloor.gif | IG4_55.22_AgesOfOceanFloor.gif | No | Cornell's Age of Ocean Floors | |
Geology | No | No | IG4_Culture_Sediment_Thick.gif | No | USGS map of sediment thickness in KM, merged with IG4 Grid Cells | |
Geophysics | IG2_55.22_BouguerGravtyMENA.gif | IG3_55.22_BouguerGravtMENA.gif | IG4_55.22_BouguerGravtyMENA.gif | No | Cornell's MENA Bouguer Gravity Measurements | |
Geophysics | IG2_55.22_CornellBasmntMENA.gif | IG3_55.22_CornellBasmntMENA.gif | IG4_55.22_CornellBasmntMENA.gif | No | Cornell's MENSA Map of Basement | |
Geophysics | IG2_55.22_FreeAirGravtyMENA.gif | IG3_55.22_FreeAirGravtyMENA.gif | IG4_55.22_FreeAirGravtyMENA.gif | No | Cornell's MENA Free Air Gravity Map | |
Geophysics | IG2_55.22_TectonicProvinces.gif | IG3_55.22_TectonicProvinces.gif | IG4_55.22_TectonicProvinces.gif | No | Cornell's Map of Tectonic Provinces | |
Leases | No | IG3_55.22_Leases.gif | IG4_55.22_Leases.gif | No | Lease Map overlaid on IG3 Topography Maps | |
Leases | No | No | IG4_55.22_Leases_IG3.gif | No | Lease Map overlaid on IG4 Topography Maps with IG3 Grid Cells highlighted | |
Outcrop Geology | IG2_55.22_African_Geology.gif | IG3_55.22_Africian_Geology.gif | IG4_55.22_African_Geology.gif | No | Cornell African Geology | |
Outcrop Geology | IG2_55.22_WorldGeology1.gif | IG3_55.22_WorldGeology1.gif | IG4_55.22_WorldGeology1.gif | No | Cornell's Outcrop Geology with white ocean | |
Petroleum | No | No | IG4_Culture_Big_Oil.gif | No | USGS map of most prolific oil centers | |
Outcrop Geology | IG2_55.22_WorldGeology2.gif | IG3_55.22_WorldGeology2.gif | IG4_55.22_WorldGeology2.gif | No | Cornell's Outcrop Geology with blue ocean | |
Topography | IG4_55.22.gif | IG3_55.22.gif | IG4_55.22.gif | No | Basic Topographic Reference Maps for Infinite GridSM | |
Topography | IG2_55.22_Culture.gif | IG3_55.22_Culture.gif | IG4_55.22.Culture.gif | No | Cornell's Rivers and Roads | |
Topography | No | IG3_55.22_LG.gif | IG4_55.22_LG.gif | No | Large Toppgraphic Reference Maps for Infinite GridSM | |
Topography | No | IG3_55.22_LG_OPL-229.gif | IG4_55.22_LG_OPL-229.gif | No | OPL-229 located with IG4 Grid Cells on Large Toppgraphic Reference Maps for Infinite GridSM | |
Topography | No | No | IG4_55.22_OPL-229.gif | No | OPL-229 IG4 Grid Cells on a topographic map | |
Topography | No | No | IG4_Culture_OPL229.gif | No | IG4 Grid Cells highlighted over OPL-229 and merged with Nigerian Lease Map | |
Culture | N_Culture.JPG | Large image of cultural map for Niger Delta |
Culture | N_Culture_MD.JPG | Screen sized image of cultural map for Niger Delta. |
Geochemistry | N_Burial_History.gif | USGS Burial history chart for Northern Niger Delta |
Geochemistry | N_Geochemistry.gif | USGS Geochemical data for nonbiodegraded oil (data from Geomark) |
Geology | N_AnambraBasinStratigraphy.gif | USGS Stratigraphic sectoin of the Anambra Basin from Late Cretaceous to Eocene |
Geology | N_Coastline_Progradation.gif | USGS cartoon shoiwing Niger Delta progradation since 35 Ma. |
Geology | N_Contours_Top_Kitchen.gif | Subsurface dept to top of Niger Delta oil kitchen |
Geology | N_Example_Log.JPG | Log from Clarendon Well in northwest corner of OPL-229. |
Geology | N_Example_Log_MD.JPG | Smaller image of log from Clarendon Well in northwest corner of OPL-229 |
Geology | N_Fault_Simulation.gif | USGS slope edge fault simulation using Scott Bowman's software |
Geology | N_Hydrocarbon_Traps.gif | USGS Stratigraphic model for Niger Delta showing relationship of source, migration, traps, and faults |
Geology | N_Sediment_Thickness.gif | USGS Figure 6A. Sediment thinkness and E-W cross-section showing depositional hole |
Geology | N_Niger_Delta_CrossSection.gif | USGS Figure 6B. SW-NE cross-section of stratigraphy in Niger Delta |
Geology | N_Niger_Delta_Stratigraphy.gif | USGS stratigraphic column showing three formations of the Niger Delta |
Geology | N_Paleogeography1.gif | USGS Paleogeography of South Atlantic: Cretaceous 130.0 to 69.4 ma. |
Geology | N_Paleogeography2.gif | USGS Paleogeography of South Atlantic: Cenozoic 50.3 ma to present. |
Geology | N_Physiography.gif | USGS Physiographic sketch of deep marine sediments in Gulf of Guinea. |
Geology | N_Sediment_Thicnkess_Zoom.gif | USGS Sediment Thickness Map Zoom |
Geology | N_TopAkata_IsopachAgbada.gif | USGS map top Akata and isopach contours of Agbada Formations |
Geology | N_Trap_Types.gif | USGS examples of oil field structures and trap types |
Geophysics | N_Encon_Seis_Grav_Mag.gif | Location Map of Encon Spec Seismic, Gravity, and Magnetic data |
Geophysics | N_Schematic_Seismic_Section.gif | USGS schematic seismic section from Niger Delta to Continental Rise |
Leases | N_Chevron_Acreage.gif | Chevron Lease Map Niger Delta |
Leases | N_Eni_Operations_Map.gif | Eni Operations Map Niger Delta |
Leases | N_Lease_Blocks.JPG | Digital Photo of Niger Delta Lease Map |
Leases | N_Lease_Blocks_MD.JPG | Smaller image of Digital Photo of Niger Delta Lease Map |
Leases | N_Leases.gif | Lease Map |
Leases | N_OPL-229.JPG | Digital Photo of OPL-229 Map. |
Leases | N_OPL-229_MD.JPG | Smaller image of Digital Photo of OPL-229 Map. |
Leases | N_OPL_Blocks.jpg | Location Texaco's Agbami Field. |
Petroleum | N_FieldDistributions.gif | USGS historgrams of size and depth of oil and gas fields in Niger Delta. |
Petroleum | N_Grown_Gas_Fields.gif | USGS historgram showing grown gas field size. |
Petroleum | N_Grown_Oil_Field_Size.gif | USGS historgram showing grown oil field size. |
Petroleum | N_Oil_Fields.gif | USGS map of Niger Delta Oil Fields. |
Petroleum | N_Petroleum_System_Events.gif | USGS events chart for Niger Delta Petroleum System. |
Petroleum | N_Prolific_Oil_Centers.gif | USGS map showing prolific oil centers in Niger Delta. |
Topography | N_Bathymetry.gif | Bathymetry Map |
Topography | N_Bathymetry2.gif | Satellite Bathymetry Map |
Topography | N_Bathymetry3.gif | Zoom on Satellite Bathymetry Map |
Topography | N_Bathymetry_Agbada_Unit.gif | USGS map of Agbada Assessment Unit bathymetry |
Topography | N_MidEast_GMT_Topography.gif | GMT Satellite Topography North Africa and Middle East |
Topography | N_MidEast_GMT_Topography_SM.gif | GMT Satellite Topography Niger Delta |
Topography | N_Satellite_Topography.gif | Satellite Topography of Niger Delta |
Topography | N_Satellite_Topography_LG.gif | Regional Satatellite Topography of Gulf of Guinea |
Topography | N_Topography.gif | Satellite Topography of North Africa |
Topography | N_Topography_Zoom.gif | Zoom on Satellite Topography of Niger Delta |
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