. . . The NetWork

The NetWork is semi-self-organizing, and works on Projects as multidisciplinary teams:

The following table is sorted by NetWork Number (click on column titles for different sorts, recognizing this is the only sort with links in the table):

IG Location
KB Index IG Work NW ***** NW# BoD BoA GeoTech Geol Geop Petrop Eng Urban Plan Name Company Employment / NetWork Title Description
A2 & A3 Earth 1 1 1 1 1 1 1     1 Roice Nelson Dynamic Resources Corporation Finder Virtual Oil Company focused on using W3D and NetWork experience and tools to find and develop new hydrocarbon reserves.
A3& A4.2 Earth 1 1 1 1 1 1 1     1 Roice Nelson Walden 3-D, Inc. Entrepreneur Consulting company and new business incubator specializing in geotechnical services and developing new tools to improve oil and gas exploration and urban planning. Tools include Best Practice methodlogy and the Infinite GridSM, TimedexSM, and HyperMedia
A4.2 Utah 1 2 1             1 Raymond S. Gardner Gardner Partnership Architects Senior Partner Regional archtectural firm with expertise in solar energy and water conservation.
A1.1.5 & A2.2.5 Earth 1 3 1               Eddy J. Rogers Andrews & Kurth, LLP Lawyer One of the best corporate lawyers in Houston; did all legal work for Landmark Graphics, HMC, ASI, W3D, DRC, and others.
A1& A3 36.34.54 Earth 1 4 1 1 1 1 1   1   Roger N. Anderson Columbia University Senior Technical Advisor Inovator and oil industry developer of dynamic replenishment concept, 4-D seismology, portfolio analysis, real options, suitability matrixSM, tieing reservoir modeling with 4-D seismic and forward seismic modeling to better define the reservoir, etc.
A1& A3 36.34.54 Earth 1 5   1 1         1 Albert Boulanger vPatch Technical Advisor Senior Research Scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory who was the key architect of SeisRes (a system allowing internet based correlation of reservoir simulation with 4-D seismic processing and interpretation), portable sensors for oil wells, proce
A3.1 Earth 1 6   1 1 1 1       Sam LeRoy Earth View Associates Regional Geostatistician Geostatistician consultant with a solid understanding of how to create a new exploration play, and a world class expert on pressure pods, temperature ties to hydrocarbon generation, migration, and trapping, basement control of structure and stratigraphy,
A3.1 Americas 1 7   1 1 1 1       S. Parker Gay, Jr. Applied Geophysics President Aeromagnetic data acquisition, databases, reprocessing, interpretation, and basement structural geology consultant.
A3.1 U.S. 1 8     1   1       Alf Klaviness Klaviness Research Research Geophysicist Retired Texaco geophysicist who is an innovator. Alf has patents on a Pulser, a down-hole seismic source that can be used to predict geopressure, faults, and well location.
A1.1, A1.3, & A3.1 Earth 1 9     1 1 1 1     Blaine Taylor Explorer Group One Database Management Petrophysicist who retired from Conoco in charge of corporate data management. Has a employment company now, and has done extensive work with W3D using the Knowledge Backbone(SM).
A4.2 26.34.33 Earth 1 10 1             1 Mic Patterson Advanced Structures Incorporated President Design and build structures growing out of the ground or replicating plants using space-frame, fabric, and advanced building technologies.
A4.2 36.14.32 Earth 1 11 1             1 Rick Duran President Arcinomics Urban Planning economics and community development.
A1& A2 Earth 1 12 1             1 Merril Littlewood Potter, Littlewood & Petty, P.C. Partner Exxon experience included building Exxon tower in New York and building a city to support oil shale development near Rifle, Colorado; has helped with taxes, accounting, and strategic planning for W3D and DRC.
A3.1.1, A3.1.2, & A3.1.3 Earth 1 13   1 1           Bob Ehrlich Residuum Energy Project Geostatistician Geostatistician who has developed the automated self-classsification system, and has been using this for oil and gas exploration for the last few years.
A3.1 Earth 1 14   1 1   1       Heloise Lynn Lynn, Inc. Anisotrophy World Class expert in using seismic to study anisotrphy and specifically to use this as an exporation tool for naturally fractured gas reservoirs.
A3.1 26.58.23 Earth 1 15     1 1 1       Riley Skeen Mountain Eagle Exploration Geophysicist Acquisition and interpretation geophysicist looking for an opportunity to work remote out of Cody, Wyoming.
A2& A3.1 Rocky Mountains 2 16     1 1 1       Ed Gray The Energy Hunters Rocky Mountain Geophysicist Has several exploration opportunities in the Rocky Mountains looking for drilling money.
A3.1 Earth 1 17     1   1       David Kessler Seismic City, LLC Depth Seismic Processing World Class leaders in prestack depth migration and forward seismic modeling
A1.3.4 26.73.42 Texas 3 18     1           Ron Szabo Texas A& M Hypermedia Software Engineer Responsible for computer support at the Bush School at Texas A&M University, and was the key developer of the HyperEdge Software at HMC.
A1.3.4, A1.4 & A1.5 Earth 2 19   1 1 1 1       Dennis McMullin Consultant Knowledge Sharing Consultant who has developed tools and methodologies for collaboration, communities-of-interest, knowledge management, and marketing technologies to the oil and gas industry.
A3.1 Earth 1 20     1 1 1       Ward Abbott Consultant Regional Stratigrapher Retired Chief Stratigrapher from Shell and again from Occidental Petroleum. Has worked with Roice Nelson since 1986 on the development of an on-line outcrop analog attlas (see http://www.walden3d.com/Abbott).
A1.5 26.73.32 Texas 2 21   1 1           Laura Pankonien Writer Editor Retired as Exploration Editor for World Oil and has started a new business developing on-line web services.
A3.1 Earth 3 22     1 1 1       John A. Andrew StratSeis Geophysical Exploration Geophysicist Retired Shell geophysicist with exciting exploration opportunities in Wyoming and South Dakota.
A1.3.4, A1.5, & A3.1.1 Earth 1 23   1 1         1 Gary Crouse Consultant Sales Business development and marketing guru.
A3.1.2 Earth 2 24   1 1 1 1       Brad Macurda The Energists Regional Geophysicist Sequence Stratigrapher who has taught for all major exploration companies all over the world.
A3.1 Texas 1 25   1 1 1 1       Richard C. Coons Resource Technolopgies Velocity Geophysicist Expert in seismic velocities and how to use them to support exploration, including tieing velocity anomalies to seeps, fault shadows, velocity pushdowns, dim spots and bright spots, etc.
A3.1 Earth 1 26     1   1       Wulf Massell Epic Geophysical Seismic Processing Good seismic processing shop.
A3.1 Earth 2 27   1 1 1 1       Scott Bowman PetroDynamics, Inc. Geologist World Class leader in deveopment of software for stratigraphic simulation, and does training and consulting in this area.
A3.1.1 Texas 1 28     1   1       Bob Horner Interactive Interpretation & Training Geotech Geotechnical support at II&T.
A3.1 Earth 1 29     1   1       Les Denham Interactive Interpretation & Training Exploration Geophysicist Partner at II&T and excellent exploration geophysicist with UNIX computer skills.
A1& A3.1 Texas 1 30     1   1       Dave Agarwal Interactive Interpretation & Training Exploration Geophysicist Has an interpretation consulting operation with 2 licenses to Landmark geophysical software and 10 licenses to GeoQuest/Charisma/etc. software licenses. W3D and DRC use their facilities as a westside office.
A3.1 Earth 2 31     1 1 1       Laura Kay Ethetton PetroValue Risk Analysis Teaches a course and does consulting on Risk Analysis.
A1.1, A2, & A3.1 Earth 3 32     1 1 1       Jory A. Pacht Seis-Strat Services Exploration Geophysicist Sequence Stratigrapher who has a consulting company and has done a lot of work in the Gulf Coast and California the last few years.
A3.1 Earth 3 33     1 1 1       Frank Hamtak Consultant Exploration Geophysicist Exploration geophysicist who does consulting interpretation.
A3.1 Earth 3 34     1 1 1       Frank Huber Consultant Exploration Geophysicist Exploration geophysicist who does consulting interpretation.
A3.1 53.45.43 Earth 2 35     1 1 1       Gherard Brink Consultant Exploration Geophysicist World Class exploration geophysicist who does consulting sequence stratigraphy interpretation.
A3.1 Texas 2 36     1   1       Jack Land Consultant Gravity and Magnetics Retired geophysicist with interest and expertise in gravity and magnetics data, particularly in the Gulf Coast.
A1.3.4, A1.5.3, & A3.1 36.34.54 Earth 1 37   1 1   1       Wei He vPatch, LLC. Geophysicist and Software Development Ph.D. from Columbia University and has been in the middle of the development of Taskmaster(SM), SeisRes, the Portfolio Anaysis Consortium, the 4-D seismic consortium, etc.
A1.1, A1.5, & A3.1 26.82.32 Earth 1 38 1 1 1 1         Mike Forest Consultant Explorationist Retired Shell Chief Geophysicist with interest in seismic amplitude anomalies for predicting fluid and lithology.
A1.3.4 & A3.1.1 United States 1 39   1 1 1         Richard Nehring Nehring Research Group North America Geologcial Data Manager Understands geotechnical databases, and over the last 25+ years has built the best commercial database of significant oil & gas fields in North America.
A3.1 Earth 1 40   1 1   1       Peter Duncan Consultant President-Elect SEG 2003 Leader in seismic acquisition technologies, with extensive exploration experience, and a focus on passive seismic exploration using both transmision and emission tomography.
A3.1 United States 1 41 1   1   1       Mike Dunn Geophysical Development Corporation President Expertise in seismic acquisition, seismic processing, regional databases, and forward modeling.
A3.1 Earth 2 42     1 1 1       Geoff Dorn BP Centre for Visulization UC at Boulder Visualization and Well Planning Geophysicist who retired from Arco and took the Arco Visualization Laboratory to the University of Colorado at Boulder where he has continued development of the real-time virtual reality well planning system. There is an opportunity to replicate his labo
A3.1.1 Houston 1 43     1 1         Marc Roulston Workstation Integration Systems Engineer Geophysicist from Calgary who specializes in UNIX system support and maintains W3D and DRC computer systems.
A3.1 Earth 2 44     1 1 1       Randy Etherington Consultant Structural Geophysicist Structural Geologist retired from Chevron and now consulting. Has exploration opportunities several places internationally.
A1, A2, & A3 26.26.31 Earth 1 45 1   1       1   Swede Nelson Nelson & Associates Management Retired President Chevron Overseas with reservoir engineer, senior management, international exploration and production, contracts, and negotiation expertise.
A3.1.2, A3.1.3, & A3.1.4 57.23.11 Earth 2 46   1 1 1         Bjorn Wygrala Integrated Exploration Systems Geologist World Class leader in Basin Modeling software, and does training and consulting in this area.
A3.1 26.82.32 Earth 2 47   1 1   1       Rocky Roden Consultant Chief Geophysicist Retired Chief Geophysicist Repsol YPF and before that Maxis, interested in seismic amplitude anomalies.
A1.3.4 & A4.2 United States 1 48 1             1 Stephen N. Joseph CES, LLT Softside Expert Started business consulting at Covey Leadership Center, and has helped manage development of several tools with great potential for the oil industry, including TaskMaster(SM)
A1.1.6 & A2 United States 2 49   1 1   1       John I. Howell J.I. Howell & Associates Portfolio Analysis Retired geophysicist from Shell who ran the Lamont Portfolio Consortium and who has built a very successful business optimizing oil company property portfolios.
A3.1 Texas 2 50     1 1 1       Bob Behrman Consultant Wilcox Geologist Retired Geologist with several good drilling opportunities in the Gulf Coast.
A1.3.4, A3.1.2, & A3.1.3 36.34.55 United States 1 51     1           Bryan Bentz Bentz Engineering Senior Software Engineer Retired from B,B,& N and has consulting software operation. Helped W3D and DRC develop Infinite Grid(SM) Offshore Texas exmamples in a way that is extensible.
A3.1 Gulf Coast 2 52     1 1 1       Louis Berent Consultant Black Warrior Basin Exploration Geophysicist Exploration geophysicist with a deep interest in the Black Warrior Basin.
A3.1 United States 2 53     1 1 1       Eric Carlson Consultant Reservoir Geoscientist Left the industry because of downturn, very good reservoir geologist with good experience in US Gulf Coast
A3.1 Texas 2 54   1 1 1 1       Marc B. Edwards Consultant Gulf Coast Stratigrapher Detailed gelogic studies, has focused on Yegua, Wilcox, and South Texas.
A3.1 Earth 3 55     1   1       George Marion Seisborg Geophysical Seismic Processing Consulting processing geophysicist.
A3.1 Earth 1 56     1   1       Scott Sechrist Consultant Exploration Geophysicist Exploration geophysicist who does consulting interpretation when not employed full time.
A1, A2, A3, & A4 26.63.33 Texas 2 57 1   1           Ted Colliins Collins & Ware Entrepreneur Oil & Gas exploration, production, and transportation; retired founder of American Quasar and Enron
A3.1 Texas 3 58     1   1       Tom Pilitary Velocity Databank Gulf Coast Velocity Database Sells Gulf Coast Velocity Database.
A3.1.2 & A3.1.3 26.63.46 United States 3 59     1           Sam Reeves Relucent Technologies Direct Hydrocarbon Detection Proprietary tools for using Radar to identify concentrations of gas seeps.
A3.1 Earth 2 60   1 1       1   Neal Brossard Residuum Energy Engineer Reservoir Engineer who was in charge of Amarada Hess' onshore properties before helping form Residuum Energy to use geostatistical studies to find oil and gas properties.
A3.1 Texas 2 61     1 1 1       Mike McCardle Explorer Group One Exploration Geophysicist Exploration geophysicist with international and Texas experience.
A1, A3, & A4 Nigeria 1 62 1 1 1 1   1 1   Jude O. Amaefule Emerald Energy Resources Nigeria Ltd. Chief Operating Officer Nigerian Oil Company exploring and developing hydrocarbons on OPL-229, Nigeria.
A3 Earth 1 62 1 1 1 1   1 1   Jude O. Amaefule VRMT: Vision Reservoir Management Technologies International, Inc. President Reservoir Engineering Service Company with offices in: Perth, Australia; Buenos Aires, Argentia; Houston, Texas; Lagos, Nigeria; and Port Harcort, Nigeria. Handshake exclusivity with W3D, DRC, and the NetWork for work in Nigeria.
A3.2 & A3.3 Earth 3 63     1   1   1   Larry Walker GeoSpace Reservoir Instrumentation Innovator who is leading the way with both downhole and surface placement of low cost sensors for continuous seismic and economic modeling.
A3.1 Earth 1 64     1   1       Susie Peebler 4-C, LLT 4-C Seismologist World Class leaders 4-Component tools for exploration through fluid and lithology definition.
A3.1, A3.2, A3.3, & A3.4 76.56.25 China 1 65 1 1 1   1   1   Yan jia feng Geo: Beijing Hua You Geo Science & Technical Development, Ltd. General Manager Chinese geotechnial service company with expertise in pre-stack depth migration and reservoir characterization. Have built an exceptional software package for reservoir characterization called GeoTools. Handshake exclusivity with W3D, DRC, and the Network

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/Apache/NetWork.html

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