Walden 3-D Home
Knowledge Backbone of Walden 3-D Activities
A1_____ Identify Need
A11____ Identify Possible Opportunities
A12____ Refine Opportunities
A13____ Characterize Opportunities
Perform Geotechnical Consulting
A21 Determine Customer Geotechnical Requirements and Budget
A211 Describe Geotechnical Project and Sign Agreement
A212 Define Customer Geotechnical Requirements
A213 Identify Geotechnical Project Enhancements
A214 Identify New Geotechnical Opportunities
A22 Form Geotechnical Virtual Team
A221 Identify Required Geotechnical Skills
A222 Select Geotechnical Skills
A223 Aggregate Geotechnical Entities
A2231 Access Core Geotechnical Skills
A2232 Use Geotechnical Supplier Chain
A2233 Form Geotechnical Bidding Consortium
A2234 Organize Geotechnical Virtual Team
A22341 Select Geotechnical Team Leader
A22342 Select Geotechnical Team Members
A223421 Pick Geotechnical Team Members
A223422 Train Geotechnical Team Members
A22343 Define Geotechnical Working Procedures
A223431 Set Geotechnical Project Budget
A223432 Set Geotechnical Project Schedule and Milestones
A223433 Establish Geotechnical Quality Standards
A223434 Define Geotechnical Deliverables
A223435 Identify Enhancements and New Geotechnical Opportunities
A224 Reconfigure Geotechnical Entities
A23 Solve Customer Geotechnical Requirements
A231 Identify Geotechnical Domain Attributes
A2311 "Collect Geological, Geophysical, and Engineering Background Dat"
A2312 Perform Geotechnical Pattern Analysis
A2313 Determine Geotechnical Parameters
A232 List Geotechnical Alternatives
A233 Evaluate Geotechnical Alternatives
A234 Select/Optimize Geotechncial Alternatives
A235 Implement Geotechnical Solution
A2351 Perform Integrated Geotechnical Interpretation
A23511 "Acquire Geological, Geophysical, and Engineering Data"
A235111 Set Up Project and Inventory Geotechnical Data
A235112 Organize Geotechnical Project Data Bases
A2351121 Establish Geotechnical Project Data Base
A2351122 Prepare Map Data For Geotechnical Project Data Base
A23511221 Prepare Proper Scale and Format of Well Locations
A23511222 Obtain Well Position Logs
A23511223 Prepare Proper Scale and Format of Seismic Basemaps
A2351123 Prepare Well Log Data for Project Data Base
A23511231 Build Continuous Measured Depth Files
A23511232 Correct and Convert Log Data
A23511233 Enter Depth Markers
A23511234 Confirm Directional Drilling Information
A23511235 Plot True-Vertical-Depth Log of Raw Data
A2351124 Prepare Seismic Data for Project Data Base
A23511241 Confirm or Convert Seismic Data Tapes to SEGY Format
A23511242 Run CHKSEGY and 2-D or 3-D BCM
A23511243 "Load Location Data and Build Seismic Project, then Load Depth D"
A235113 Prepare Geotechnical Data for Interpretation
A2351131 Correlate True-Vertical-Depth Logs
A2351132 Review Surrounding Well Control
A2351133 Post Paleo Reports
A2351134 Load Seismic Data
A2351135 Post-Stack Seismic Processing
A23512 Define Earth Model
A235121 Calibrate Logs and Seismic
A2351211 Generate Logs and Synthetics
A23512111 Wet Conditions Sandfrac FPG GT (SYNGEN) Synthetic Density Acou
A23512112 Hydrocarbon Fill Acoustic Logs Density Logs Use Extracted Wav
A2351212 Calibrate Shallowest Log Depth
A23512121 Establish Seismic Time at Shallowest Log Depth
A23512122 Integrate Synthetic Acoustic Travel-Time Curve
A23512123 Derive Specific Time/Depth Function for Each Well
A2351213 Generate Depth Position Logs
A23512131 Generate Acoustic and Density Logs Representative of Observed H
A23512132 Generate Synthetic Seismograms Representative of Actual Hydroca
A2351214 Load Depth Data onto Workstation
A23512141 Load Depth Position Logs
A23512142 Load Well-Specific Time/Depth Tables
A23512143 Load or Calculate Synthetic Seismogram
A2351215 Shift Synthetics to Match Seismic
A23512151 Create Modified Time/Depth Table(s)
A23512152 Import Modified Time/Depth Table(s) to Log Processing Software
A2351216 Pick Dip and Azimuth from Seismic
A23512161 Derive Dip and Azimuth from the Seismic Data
A23512162 Convert Dip and Azimuth to Depth
A23512163 Calculate Formation Dip and Strike
A235122 Build Structural and Stratigraphic Framework
A2351221 Tie Project into Regional Sequence Stratigraphy
A2351222 Perform Detailed Sequence Stratigraphy Analysis
A2351223 Do Detailed Structural Analysis
A235123 Perform Petrophysical Evaluation
A2351231 Use Correlations to Choose Depositional Models
A23512311 Obtain Most Current Log Correlations and Revise Geologic Marker
A23512312 Generate Continuous Geologic Time Curve for Discriminators in P
A23512313 Choose Appropriate Depositional Model for Each Correlatable Int
A2351232 Define Hydrocarbon Extent
A23512321 Calculate Porosity
A23512322 Calculate Water Saturation
A23512323 Calculate Permeability
A23512324 Define Fluid Contacts Oil/Gas Oil/Water Gas/Water
A2351233 Define Risk Categories
A2351234 Calculate and Correct Pay Summaries
A23512341 Calculate Pay Summaries Include Wet Sand so Sand Counts Can Be
A23512342 Apply Total-Vertical-Time / Total-Vertical-Depth Correction if
A2351235 Generate Displays
A23512351 Generate Posted Basemaps of Petrophysical Results
A23512352 Generate Key Cross-Section Displays
A23513 Interpret Reservoir Extent
A235131 Prepare Oil-In-Place Isopach Displays
A235132 Relate Cumulative Production to Remaining Reserves
A235133 Reconcile Reservoir Volume and Cumulative Production
A235134 Review Wellbore Utilization and Recommend Workover/Drilling Pro
A2352 Obtain Additional Geotechnical Data
A24 Obtain Customer Acceptance for Geotechnical Work
A241 Perform Quality Control Geotechnical Check on Report
A242 Present Geotechnical Project Report to Client
A243 Invoice Geotechnical Client
A25 Dissolve Geotechnical Virtual Team and Document Work
A251 Disband Geotechnical Virtual Team
A252 Capture Contribution of Geotechnical Virtual Team Members
Improve Environments
A31 Determine Customer Built Form Requirements
A311 Describe Design Project and Sign Agreement
A312 Define Customer Design Requirements
A313 Identify New Design Opportunities
A314 Identify Design Project Enhancements
A32 Form Virtual Design Team
A321 Identify Required Design Skills
A322 Select Design Skills
A323 Aggregate Design Entities
A3231 Access Core Design Skills
A3232 Use Design Supplier Chain
A3233 Form Design Bidding Consortium
A3234 Organize Design Virtual Team
A32341 Select Design Team Leader
A32342 Select Design Team Members
A323421 Pick Design Team Members
A323422 Train Design Team Members
A32343 Define Design Working Procedures
A323431 Set Design Project Budget
A323432 Set Design Project Schedule and Milestones
A323433 Establish Design Quality Standards
A323434 Define Design Deliverables
A323435 Identify Enhancements and New Design Opportunities
A324 Reconfigure Design Entities
A33 Solve Customer Design Requirements
A331 Identify Design Domain Attributes
A3311 Collect Data and Audit Site
A3312 Pattern Analysis of Design Data
A3313 Determine Design Parameters
A332 List Design Alternatives
A3321 Study Design Projects Analogous to Customer Requirements
A3322 Build Entity-Relationship Model of an Ideal Design Solution
A3323 List Design Alternatives Based on E-R Model
A333 Evaluate Design Alternatives
A334 Select/Optimize Design Alternatives
A3341 Design and Visualize Ranked Built Form Alternatives
A3342 Visualize Juxtaposition of Built Form With the Natural Environm
A3343 Select Best Design Alternative
A335 Implement Design Solution
A3351 Generate Construction Drawings
A3352 Automatic Construction of Project Components
A3353 Automatic Assembly of Components into Built Form
A34 Obtain Customer Acceptance
A341 Perform Quality Control Design Check on Report
A342 Present Design Project Report to Client
A343 Invoice Design Client
A35 Dissolve Virtual Design Team and Document Work
A351 Disband Virtual Design Team
A352 Capture Contribution of Virtual Design Team Members
A4_____ Develop
A41 Evaluate a Report or Inconsistency
A42 Compare Evaluation to Existing Philosophy
A421 "Review Report, Evaluation, and/or Inconsistency"
A422 Review Existing Philosophy
A4221 Review Spiritual Philosophy
A42211_ _______________________________ Review
Teachings of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
A42212 Review Other Relevant Spiritual Philosophies
A4222 Review Temporal Philosophy
A42221 Review Best Practice and Continuous Improvement Philosophy
A42222 Review Exploration and Production Philosophy
A42223 Review Design Philosophy
A42224 Review Other Temporal and Business Philosophies
A4223 Review Intellectual Philosophy
A42231 Review Latter-Day Saint Philosophy
A42232 Review Project Mind Philosophy
A42233 Review Other Related Intellectual Philosophies
A4224 Review Other Related Philosophy
A42241 Review Other Philosophies
A42242 "Compare to Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom in the W3D "
A423 Benchmark Philosophical Understanding Relative to Current Quest
A424 Compare Current Question to Existing Philosophy
A43 Enhance Philosophy