03 August 2003 #0331.html


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Dear Paul and Kate, Melanie and Jared, Bridget and Justin, Sara, Ben and Sarah, Heather, Audrey, Rachel, Matt via hardcopy, and Brian,

cc: file, Andrea, Tony Hafen, Sara and Des Penny, & Maxine Shirts

Welcome to "Thoughtlets." This is a weekly review of an idea, belief, thought, or words that will hopefully be of some benefit to you, my children, with an electronic copy to on-line extended family members. Any of you can ask me not to clutter your mail box at any time.

`The whole world will change by the time we get here in time and space. Most assuredly we will come up with a better name than Grandkidlets over the next two years. Oh well! We only `see through a glass darkly' when we `remember the future.'' (Written 13 Sep 2001, see Thoughtlet 0137.html for reference to the Grandkidlets idea conception.)

"Back on the 9th of September 2001 (see ../0137.html), I wrote how I `decided I need to come up with something like a 'Grandkidlet' to e-mail the grand kids every week from the time they are 3 until they turn 12, when they will be put on the Thoughtlet e-mail list.' This was Ethan's week to turn 3, and in the spirit of fulfilling impressions from a couple of years earlier, I started Grandkidlets on Sunday, 03 August 2003 (see http://www.walden3d.com/grandkidlets).

This Thoughtlet was a week or two late being written because of my trip to Southern Utah, to the SEG in San Antonio, and the terrorist attack of 9/11 (../0138.html). I seemed to know the whole world would change by the time we get here (Ethan's 3rd birthday) in time and space. I thought I would come up with a better name than Grandkidlets. I didn't. Oh well! We only `see through a glass darkly' when we `remember the future.' And looking to the future, I have absolutely no idea how these Grandkidlets will evolve. The first 14 are simply a photo response to Ethan's interest in cars, which, since I'm behind on writing Thoughtlets, I realize has moved to rocket ships, even though I'm only 6 Grandkidlets into my 14 Grandkidlet story about cars. The story I came up with is:

`Once upon a time ... ... There was a grandson and a grandpa who liked to play with cars ... ... Grandpa knew his grandson would learn how cars take us places ... ... Dad takes the car to work ... ... Mom takes the car to school, to buy things, and to work ... ... Grandkids take the car to get ice cream ... ... Cars require a lot of work ... ... Grandkids clean cars inside ... ... Grandkids clean cars outside ... ... Grandkids go with Dad's to take the car for an oil change ... ... Cars are fun ... ... Toys teach Grandkids about cars ... ... Grandpas like old cars ... ... Grandpas and Grandkids will ride in an old car in a parade ... ... Grandpa gives the old car to the University so his Grandson can always visit it ...'

Since I relate to 3 year olds like oil relates to water, I am very open to suggestions as what to do after I finish the current story on November 30th. I like the Journal Entry's which Kate sends. Since I'm mentioning them here, I took the time to catch up the five I hadn't posted. Kate forgive me. I'm caught up now. For those who don't know about this they are at www.walden3d.com/GrantMatthew. I also like the photos Sarah has posted of Ethan, Ben, and her. This is a great way to keep in contact across the distances and time separating us. For those who don't know about this they are at www.bn-sn.com. Melanie has sent me a bunch of neat photos of Colby Cade. I haven't decided what to do with them, and am looking forward to suggestions.

I find great pleasure in sharing information and keeping up via the Internet. Maybe it is safer emotionally than personal interaction and my ongoing fear of rejection. And I'm not sure the limited communication we now have over the Internet makes up for all of the filth and trash that it brings into the house. However, Marc Roulston, my computer specialist, has made some significant progress, and I anticipate by the end of the month we will have a good filter on all e-mail which comes into and is forwarded by walden3d.com. The approach he has selected requires folks sending messages for the first time to send their first message twice. There is a white list (accepted e-mail addresses) and a black list (unaccepted e-mail addresses). I'm currently building the white list, and if any of you have e-mail addresses you want on that list please forward them to me. The black list will come from mail that sits in a holding box for more than a couple of days and is not repeated. Plus if spammers send mail through twice, I will add those spam addresses to the black list. It should work pretty good. The first time someone who is not on the white list sends a message to an address at walden3d.com they will get the following response:

`This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (TMDA). Your message attached below is being held because the address <rnelson@walden3d.com> has not been verified. To release your message for delivery, please send an empty message to the following address, or use your mailer's "Reply" feature. jason-tmdatest-confirm-1061834796.83017.137061@mastaler.com This confirmation verifies that your message is legitimate and not junk-mail. You should only have to confirm your address once. If you do not respond to this confirmation request within 14 days, your message will not be delivered.'

When we actually implement the change I will forward instructions to each of you with a forward@walden3d.com address. Sara sent me a copy of one of the nasty e-mails sent to her through sara@walden3d.com. I'm sorry there are such butt heads in the world. I've done my best to protect you kids from them, and now you are all pretty much grown up, you need to fight the dragons on your own.

In terms of the week, it was quiet without Andrea. Rachel was working. Monday night I watched two Lee Marvin movies: `The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance' (1962 with John Wayne and James Stewart, where it said, `Are you afraid of Mr. Peabody?' With the response, `The answer is indubitably yes.'); and `Ship of Fools' (1965 with Vivian Leigh, where it said something like, `We are all traveling on a ship of fools.').

On Tuesday Jack Jenks at SUU made arrangements for me to meet with him on Friday to transfer the Willys Whippet to SUU. Wednesday the 30th I forwarded the Thoughtlets sent from Cedar back to Grandma Shirts. Thursday, I outlined the first set of Grandkidlets while on a Nottingham Ward youth temple trip. Friday the 1st of August we finally got the cultural files built for the Casey Ranch project. Saturday I mowed the lawns. Sunday the meetings changed to 11:00-2:00 to better accommodate the large size of the Katy 2nd Ward. Andrew Beckstrom returned and gave his hitchhiking testimony again. The second time he did it was the first Sunday Rachel got back. So his testimony was kind of bookends on her summer. Hopefully each of you will always be willing to pray if you ever get lost, and nice people will come and help you find your Grandfather (or whoever you are lost from). Brother Burnham came over for dinner again. I made banana nut bread and took half the loaf over to Rich, Jennifer, Lauren, and Ben(?) Lozier, our new neighbors. He works for Schlumberger, and she is business development manager for an Austin investor. Later in the evening I Home Taught the Schmidts. And the highlight of my week was starting a new, extensive, lot of work project, which will last the rest of my life, named Grandkidlets."

I'm interested in sharing weekly a "thoughtlet" (little statements of big thoughts which mean a lot to me) with you because I know how important the written word can be. I am concerned about how easy it is to drift and forget our roots and our potential among all of distractions of daily life. To download any of these thoughtlets go to http://www.walden3d.com/thoughtlets or e-mail me at rnelson@walden3d.com.

With all my love,
(H. Roice Nelson, Jr.)

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Copyright © 2003 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.